Which Pedals?

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Oct 10, 2006
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Pretty soon I am going to get some pedals for the loops of my G-System. I am torn between:

1. Keeley DS-1
2. Keeley TS-9
3. Fulltone OCD
4. Fulltone Full-Drive 2

Which would be the best to get first/one I'd use most? Oh and by the way, I will be using these with a Mark IV short head through a recto 2x12 cab.

Thanks alot.
I dont understand why you want this drive pedals.
I love mark IV distortion.
Why do you want these pedals ?
I have Full-Drive2 for few years and I test OCD this week. I prefer FD2 in front of my Roadster. It add punch of any channel. The OCD is more compress. Very good pedal with very clean amp. You can use the compressor inside the FD2 and you can put it off. Plus, you have 2 OD with FD2. My choice stay with FD2.
A second vote for the FD2. I think what Coeur de Blues means is that the FD2 has a toggle switch that allows you to turn OFF the compression for pure GAIN (in the engineering sense = clean signal amplitude boost). This has the same effect as cranking the gain on your amp when you engage the FD2, so it is another way to get a footswitchable lead sound. You also have two other modes, one of which nails the TS-9 sound, and the BOOST footswitch, which increases volume and OD even more if you need it. Very flexible.
I use the OCD in front of my Road King, and really like how it smooths out the tone, and even gives me a different "flavor" to the overdrive.

I use a Fulldrive2 with Mosfet with my Strat and an OCD for my PRS and Les Paul and when I need all hell to brake loose in a solo I use 'em both at the same time..... :twisted:
I had a Keeley DS1 and sold it
I tested it aganst a Maxon OD808
the maxon is so **** smooth and it seems like I can't dial in a bad sound no matter what I try, where as I found it hard to find the tone and smoothness I was looking for with the DS1..not terrible just not my cup of tea...btw my set up is a 2x12 roadster and Peavey Wlfgang Standard.
Fulldrive 2 mosfet. I just got it the other day in the mail and it is great. With OD and a boost pedal kind of makes it a 2 in 1. also the mosfet switch is cool.

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