Which Mark amp to buy ?

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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greetings all ! I currently own a SR head and a DR head. I am looking to get a 1x12 combo amp for portability and smaller venues. I am thinking about the Mark IV but have not found one to try yet. I also am not sure about the sonic differences of the II, IIc,IVB etc. I play in a modern rock cover band but also may be doing a 80's hair metal band soon. I play Gibson LP custom, Prs Singlecut, EBMMJP and a Peavey Wolfgang.

Also, can the Mark series be used as a "bedroom " amp to any degree ? I suspect that even a 1 x 12 combo is too loud but there's no harm in asking the people who would know.

Thank you in advance and I greatly appreciate your insight!
I have a Red Stripe Mark III, and I can use it at a bedroom level no problem - I usually play with a lot of gain, and it's still easy to get a great tone at a small volume since the amp has a lot of it!!! :D
The mark IVs are generally considered the best Bedroom amps of the Mark series. They sound great at low volumes, some people say they lose a little bit at medium volumes, but then regain it when you turnt hem up. I just got a 91 mark IV version a and i friggen love it. I had the studio pre/20/20 for a while which was great, but nothing beats this mark.
I'm thinking I am going to order the Mark Iv blind. I cannot find one to save my soul but Youtube videos sound great and soundclips on the board are promising. If I get one and hate it I can easily flip it.

How is the record out function ? My luck with such things is usually poor. Currently I use Guitar Rig 2 through Ableton live 4 but i would prefer a real amp instead of some modeling toy . Thoughts ?
stompboxfreak72 said:
I'm thinking I am going to order the Mark Iv blind. I cannot find one to save my soul but Youtube videos sound great and soundclips on the board are promising. If I get one and hate it I can easily flip it.

How is the record out function ? My luck with such things is usually poor. Currently I use Guitar Rig 2 through Ableton live 4 but i would prefer a real amp instead of some modeling toy . Thoughts ?

I've heard it's quite good. :D
Octavarius said:
stompboxfreak72 said:
I'm thinking I am going to order the Mark Iv blind. I cannot find one to save my soul but Youtube videos sound great and soundclips on the board are promising. If I get one and hate it I can easily flip it.

How is the record out function ? My luck with such things is usually poor. Currently I use Guitar Rig 2 through Ableton live 4 but i would prefer a real amp instead of some modeling toy . Thoughts ?

I've heard it's quite good. :D
it's good, but not magic in my opinion..

last time i recorded i took three channels - audix i5, sennheiser e906, and recording out.

i found it sounded really good for clean tones, but the more hi-gain tones came out sounding reeeaally saturated and preampy.

it has a nice thick bottomy feeling to it, but has this crazy regular wave pattern that i could never get to sound right (phasing) when layered with the mics. i ended up using all three, but dropped the volume on the 'recording out' channel way down during the final mixdowns, sacrificing some of the full body of the tone for the clarity i was shooting for.
that what I actually expected. Its not my main focus so the record out function wont kill or enhance my reasons for buying the amp.
I had my local GC check the company inventory and they only have 1 ( one) new 1 x12 Mark IV and it is a compact. GC will only special order Mark IVs. Since I was not sure of the amps condition and I do not want a GC floor model I did not have them transfer the amp to their location. They may not have done it anyway unless I agreed to purchase the amp is what I was told.

I guess it is to the used market that I will have to look at. ironically, GC has some IVs in their used gear page online buy they will not ship the items as they are in store pickup only. Its too bad that there are not more of these in circulation. if you cannot try one how do you buy one ?

So should I look for widebody or compact ??
Is the Mark IV good for good old classic hair metal ? I really need an amp with a great lead tone ( I am growing weary of the lack of sustain on my DR and SR) but also gets enough hairy distortion to play metal.

Suggestions/ideas ?
Just $.02 from someone who just got a new Mark IV two weeks ago.

This thing is just short of perfect. It is pretty compact (mine is a widebody combo), but the weight is deceptively heavy, so if you have stairs to climb you may want to consider head/cabinet. Every time I spend some effort to tweak a different combination...out comes a new-to-me sound, often a classic sound. There are literally hundreds of combinations of gain/drive/tone/presence/EQ/Effects loop at your disposal. Some people that want to plug-and-play will certainly be less enthusiastic about having to work to get a certain sound, but the reward is choices...lots of choices.

Even though in my case I bought the LSS first and came back to get a Mark IV after, I would recommend to most; start with the Mark IV. If you can't get a signature sound you want, ie ACE, etc. then save for that amp.

I simply do not think you can go wrong with a Mark if you are looking for versatility.

Best of luck!
Thanks for the opinions. Its funny to ask if an amp " can do hair metal" but when you can't try one out it's tough. Besides Petrucci and Hetfield/Hammet I can't remember any other players endorsing the Mark series. Couple that with the fact that guitar center will only special order them and it makes me wonder if I am barking up the wrong tree.

I have thought about getting a Stiletto ( I refuse to buy a Marshall ) but the Mark seems to be what I want. Luckily I am very aware of what the Rectidier series can do and I do not have to sell anything off to get a Mark IV.

Maybe I should just order a new one with the custom wicker grill and Imbuya wood...........

Luckily I have rec'd two PM from board members who have used one's in my area. ......
Again...just a couple of opinions.

Endorsements typically come from people who get paid to do the endorsing. Tiger Woods might not ever have gone out and bought a set of Nike clubs...not many people do. But, he certainly can have a custom set made to his exact specs and take the $100 Mil Nike pays him to play with their clubs and wear their clothing.

I would somewhat throw a challenge out there and try and see which company, regardless of product, has a signature model that is their highest priced item. It is typically about marketing to the most number of buyers.

The Stiletto is a great amp and I was down to an ACE Combo and the Mark; The Mark just does more things well...really well, whereas the Stiletto does its thing really well.

As for GC, I have a love/hate with them. It's great to be able to lay your hands on lots of stuff smaller stores cannot afford to stock. However, a huge percentage of what they then have to sell is really used merchandise and it would take me 10 years to put the wear and tear on what I have as opposed to one month in their store. For the most part their people know nothing about the products they sell...most of them may not even have a checking account of their own, and I myself appreciate true customer service without the words dude and man showing up in every sentence.

I like the idea of brand new, so I ordered one (LSS) and got lucky on the other with a sealed box unit (Mark IV). The only downside to ordering is the painfully long wait once you have come to your purchase decision. It is well worth the wait though.
Mountain Fever said:
I would somewhat throw a challenge out there and try and see which company, regardless of product, has a signature model that is their highest priced item.

Ibanez Jem and Peavey JSX are just two that spring to mind, but point taken.