Which EL43s ?

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
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Last night I put the JJ EL34s in my Mesa Recto 2:100 power amp. The ones that were in it when I bought it. Not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, it seems to sound better with my bass player's rig, on the other... doesn't sound as "full" as the 6L6s... Not as much of a fequency shift as maybe a frequency notch... like some are missing. Very "brittle" sounding.

So, is that the nature of the EL34s, or is it because they are JJs? Which EL43s do you guys reccomend/use and why>?
I have heard good comments about Svetlana SED EL34's. I'm definately trying those out on my Mesa stereo2:fifty...