Which EL34 tubes are good for a Dual Solo three channel?

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Acid Test 69

Oct 13, 2009
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It currently has 6L6s and want to try a quad of EL34s. Any suggestion on which EL34s? Or where to get them?

thanks in advance.
My favorites right now are the JJ EL34L from Eurotubes. They have that extra mid bark and creamy top end of an EL34 but you lose absolutely ZERO of that recto low end. At least I didn't lose any.......
I'm using Mesa EL34s and I like them just fine... I haven't tried anything else as of yet.
I've used the E34L's as well. You really don't lose a lot of low end. It didn't give me the crunchy sound I wanted though so I ended up going back to the 6L6's. I'd like to get a set of real EL34s to try and see if that makes a difference. The E34L's seemed to give a bit more bite to the sound, but in a good way!
Mesa EL34's, and give them about two weeks to break in. EL34L is good, but I like the "honk" I get from the Mesa tubes. Bass will still be there, just not as much.
The old "Winged C" are fan-freakin-tastic as well.
I think the biggest difference I noticed came from switching out a few preamp tubes. The right ones there took some of that harsh fizz out of the high-gain stuff. I think I used a few JJ's for mine. I bet that combined with the EL34s would be a pretty cool setup.
Acid Test 69 said:
Let me be sure I have this right - put in the EL34s and switch the bias to "EL34" and that is it?

To use EL34 vs 6L6... yes, change the bias setting and pop in the new tubes. Off you go!
I went with the JJ34Ls and very much like the difference in tone. A lot of the fizz is gone and channel 2 is much more useable. To me, it sounds more like a Marshall without loosing the Mesa rectifier qualities. The mids are more pronounced yet easy to scoop using the mid control.

Channel 1 has noticeably more headroom but don't expect the cleans to be mistaken for a Fender. Still sounds a bit better. Does get a bit brittle with high gain pedals. No problem with modulation pedals in the loop on 1 or the other 2 channels.

Channel 2 came back to life. No problem get a hard rock sound that really stands out. This channel has much more of the Marshall like mids with EL34s. Think AC/DC to Van Halen. Strangely, it now takes gain pedals without saturating. Seriously, I have three gain pedals on a board; overdrive, distortion, and metal distortion and it sounds great with any of them without significant noise or getting too thick sounding.

Channel 3 is a bit less fizzy, has more mids but still lots of gain. I found it really benefits from having an overdrive in front to drive it a bit more but maybe this goes away at higher volumes. The channel really sounds like a Marshall Mesa cross which is pretty good considering. I really like the change - will not be mistaken for a Metal Zone. Mids scooping is much less but can dialed back in if wanted.

Thanks everybody for all of their advice - it really paid off for me.
if i get 4 el34s for my duel rec can i just put them in and flick the bias switch and run it safe.....theres no amp techs here so...im hoping that is good to go?????????????
I'm also interested in trying EL 34's and replacing my pre amp tubes as well.
When selecting a matched set how can I be sure they'll work properly. When straying from mesa brand tubes? Fixed bias etc. I have the rectoverb 50 just got it and new to the game.
Any help appreciated!
moodyedge said:
if i get 4 el34s for my duel rec can i just put them in and flick the bias switch and run it safe.....theres no amp techs here so...im hoping that is good to go?????????????

I think this is correct - put in the 4 EL34s, flick the switch and run. Can somebody with more experience weigh-in?
Acid Test 69 said:
moodyedge said:
if i get 4 el34s for my duel rec can i just put them in and flick the bias switch and run it safe.....theres no amp techs here so...im hoping that is good to go?????????????

I think this is correct - put in the 4 EL34s, flick the switch and run. Can somebody with more experience weigh-in?

Yes, you should be fine
Dont know if this will help but I just stuck some Ruby EL34's in my new Rectoverb 50 S2. They sound fantastic!! It even still seems like they are biased a bit cold. But yeah it is very simple. Flick the bias switch to EL34, put in the tubes and crank her up!!

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