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Nov 21, 2006
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...get a decent EVH sound? I egt kinda close on my Rectoverb (v.1). Can I do any better with an F-50 or DC-5? I know it's a matter of opinio, but let me know what you think. EVH's tone 'evolved' along the way. VH1, is way different than II, or 1984, or Fair Warning. I can get pretty cole to some of the later sound-any suggestions? Thanks!
Wow, that makes sense. That would be the best choice. It actually might be a little out reach for me financially. Which would be next on the list?
I haven't played a Stilleto yet, they didn't have one at GC when I was there this weekend...
have you tried EL34s in your rectoverb? only if it possible to use them with your model, i don't know...
From the sound clips these guys have put up, Ace no doubt. If you need a tiny bit more umph, the deuce, youll be split kicking to Panama in no time.
I can do the 'scissor-jump' until I dig my red and white zebra overalls out of the closet :D
Thanks for the idea. I'm not really sure if it takes EL-34's, but I think it will.
What about an F-50? I really couldn't hear it at GC. They have the F-30 and F50's up in this display module so their at face level, so all the bass response is gone, plus there were acouple 13 year old guys behind me with there amps cranked... it's irritating there.
Ace +1

I will try to post a video in the next day or two of a Van Halen clip w/ my Ace if you think you need it. It won't sound like Eddie, but it will give you an idea of the possibilites. His tone is very EL34 (Marsh) based so any boogie that can take those tubes should get you very close I would think.


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