Which Boogie Head(Mark IV, Triple Recto)

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Active member
Jan 10, 2007
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Hi Guys sorry if this topic was already done but i canot find one.

I don`t have a mesa boogie amp now and never had one but I must own one :)

I want a boogie for distortions only I will use it with my Fender Pro Reverb in switch mode, using Fedner for clean tones and Boogie for distortions.

I want a Boogie head and a 2x12 cabinet for it...

I was considering Mark IV or Triple Recto based upon reviews on the net and the price...

I want a very clear(high gain but with every note being heard) and thight rythym tone which will be very sensitive for all articulation moves, about lead tone I will realy want a high gain one but warm and round.

I don`t know if my tone desires are possible to manage but I will be very thankful for all the answers, I was reading post by you guys and all of you seems to have giant knowledge in terms of amps and gear so I hope that I will know everything I need after talking with you.

(It`s quite hard in my country Poland compare these two amps at least I don`t have this option)

hi, it seems to me you need a markIV! but take a look at the "rig & tones" sections and listen to some clips and you'll be able to decide which you like most between markIV and recto.

i suggest you to take a look at these ones:

for a great MarkIV heavy rhythm tone

for a great MarkIV solo tone

links may not work directly, so please copy/paste the address!
I agree with the MarkIV, why, becasue its more articualte than the recto. With the MarkIV you are gonna get the things you want, with a Triplerecto your gonna get an attitude amp, not as note clear but deeper, not as lead smooth but potent.

side rant*The Marks sound nice but to me the definition we loose in the rectifiers is made up in dimension. To me the Mark sounds flatter and more 2 dimensional where the recto Im finding, sounds layered and rounder as if the head had another head inside it and so on and so on.

Ill get my flame proof suit now ...brb!
Thanks guys for answers, I want to ask you about one more thing, there are two(maybay more) Triple recto models (solo,3 chanel) what are main differences in their sound?

As far as I know there is the original 2channel (1992-2000) and the newer 3 channel (2001-present)

long story

mark IV is awesome, but i can't get channel 2 to sound anything close to what i can in 3. i get best ryth. and lead sounds out of 3, but i like different eq and gain on each. all this being said it may not be the best for live application. of course i don't play death metal either. just thought i would throw that in. what kind of music are you trying to do? if you are doing all R.E.OstyxWagon covers like me triple would be great. :lol:
mk iv, aswome amp great for everything you want.

you can sell you fender amp becasue the clean is alot better in the mk iv..lol
I see lots of great words for Mark IV, I don`t want to play death metal but I want to have acces to the metal sounds. I play hard rock, jazz, fusion i need versatile distortion and good clean chanel which I have with my fender. I see that I have to find somewhere Mark IV head and give it a test drive... :)
Mark IV is vers, the cleans are better than recto cleans. and can easily play all styles of music. so can rectos but they aren't really the best for Neo 90's speed/death/thrash thing.
Hi can you give me some thougths on the dual rectifier tremo verb I heard that they are way more versatile and In opinion of many people better sounding than dual and triple rectos?
trem-o-verbs are awesome. if you can get your hands on one you will be so happy you did. it is basically a 2 channel dual, with built in tremolo. some say it has less gain than a regular dual, some say this and that, all i know is that they are awesome. everyone i know that has one loves it to death, and anyone that had one and sold it want to kill themselves. i haven't played one in a long long time, but i loved every minute of it. they have been discontinued for some time now, don't know why, but if you find one buy it. i've seen them go as cheap as $900 U.S.
I also find the trem's to be voiced slighly different, seems like they have more upper mid's then lower. The Dual and Triple sound slightly darker too which would be because of more lower mid's.

Honestly, You could sit hear all day and hear people say the Mark IV or the Triple rec, but that is there opinion and there tastes.

I would ask yourself which bands you like and find out what amps they use. Your best bet is to hear them live, because in a studio you can EQ any amp to a different voicing, but live is the true beast coming out. And once you find the amp you like you will know it.

BENNY said:
trem-o-verbs are awesome. if you can get your hands on one you will be so happy you did. it is basically a 2 channel dual, with built in tremolo. some say it has less gain than a regular dual, some say this and that, all i know is that they are awesome. everyone i know that has one loves it to death, and anyone that had one and sold it want to kill themselves. i haven't played one in a long long time, but i loved every minute of it. they have been discontinued for some time now, don't know why, but if you find one buy it. i've seen them go as cheap as $900 U.S.

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