Which amp would you buy...

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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If you had $3000 to spend and why and what style of music would you play? Maybe you already did it, in that case, which amp did you buy and how is it and what style of music do you play?
I would buy a Diezel VH4. For hard rock and metal of course, a friend got one and it plays soo nice... plus four independant channels and MIDI control are nice...
dmt said:
I would buy a Diezel VH4. For hard rock and metal of course, a friend got one and it plays soo nice... plus four independant channels and MIDI control are nice...

Yes interesting for sure, I heard alot of good things about channel 3 on that amp...
I would buy used, and I would buy 2 :twisted: . I'd try to get either a 2 or 3 channel dual/triple Recto or Racktifier (have the 3 channel Triple now w/EL-34b's...Love it!) for maybe around $1,100-$1,500 and if I had enough money left over I'd try and find a used Framus Cobra or Dragon for about $1500-$1700 (seen the Cobra on ebay for around $1600 avg a few months ago). I play metal, and these amps are the just the best amps to get the bone crushing tone that I love with razor sharp attack, and very melodic tone structure that cuts through like a hot knife in butter. I also would need a good lead tone because I do a lot of solo work, and these amps can do that well too when set up properly ( i find that it does help to sometimes use a third channel to dedicate to solo/lead work, or just to have 2 distinct rhythm sounds)

if that didn't work, VH4 it'd be for sure!

ned said:
CAA OD100-SE+ with dual gain/volume on channel 2. They just sound so sweet.

Yes sounds like a great amp although I've only heard great players play through it so that might be the reason it sounds so great :lol:

How about the VHT Pitbull Ultra Lead, Bogner Uberschall and Diezel Herbert, has anyone here tried any of them?
Mesa: Mark V :twisted:

Non-Mesa: Fryette (VHT) Sig X, ENGL SE 6L6, Bogner Uber, Laney VH100R, or Splawn Nitro
Good question.

Short answer would be a Mesa 295/395 or Strategy 400/500 for the Quad.

I play many styles of music and Metal is the Mesa department. It took me several years to find the right Boogie as Denmark don't have alot in general to try.

I dig old Marshall tones like Jimi Hendrix, Ritchie Blackmore and so on but one day in 2000 I found my 50watt combo Marshall 1978 by chance. Bought it on the spot. It's model 2104 and its been my alltime favorite Marshall of all I have tried and owened. The amp was used by non other than Thin Lizzy back in the day. Ad a Les Paul and you got it.

At some point someone added an effectsloop right next to the high and low inputs so it looks like a 4 input amp. It took me a while to figure out the model number. The Quad sounds great connected to it.
zenabI said:
ned said:
CAA OD100-SE+ with dual gain/volume on channel 2. They just sound so sweet.

Yes sounds like a great amp although I've only heard great players play through it so that might be the reason it sounds so great :lol:

How about the VHT Pitbull Ultra Lead, Bogner Uberschall and Diezel Herbert, has anyone here tried any of them?

I currently own a Herbert, and owned an Uberschall rev. for about a year (sold it in Dec. 08). Haven't tried the VHT. I play primarily metal-all types from older British stuff through modern, excluding maybe NuMetal-and hard rock, but have been getting more into lower gain and bluesy stuff lately. The Herbert does it all, though at a bit more (new) than $3000, from an excellent clean channel (not just for a high gain amp, but excellent period) through a brutal high gain. Massive low end which stays tight and focused (not as tight as VHT-from what I've heard, haven't played one -or a VH4). Diezels have their own unique tone and distortion character, which you may or may not like. The Uberschall also has a massive low end, and tons of gain, all of which is useable. Clean channel is only so-so, but it does take pedals wall. Also, the Uber is fairly loose, and has a more organic type distortion, vs Herberts more hi-fi distortion. It's also a bit less than $3000. The Herbert is the more versatile of the two, and I personally prefer the Diezel voicing to anything else I've tried when it comes to high gain.
Marshall JMP 2204 MkII

Rev F or Earlier 2ch Dual Recto

Mark IV

Hughes and Kettner Mark II Triamp

Orange Rockerverb 100
Old Marshall Super Lead with a few pedals to push it.

None of the other amps mentioned would sound like my choice.
richt1760 said:
zenabI said:
ned said:
CAA OD100-SE+ with dual gain/volume on channel 2. They just sound so sweet.

Yes sounds like a great amp although I've only heard great players play through it so that might be the reason it sounds so great :lol:

How about the VHT Pitbull Ultra Lead, Bogner Uberschall and Diezel Herbert, has anyone here tried any of them?

I currently own a Herbert, and owned an Uberschall rev. for about a year (sold it in Dec. 08). Haven't tried the VHT. I play primarily metal-all types from older British stuff through modern, excluding maybe NuMetal-and hard rock, but have been getting more into lower gain and bluesy stuff lately. The Herbert does it all, though at a bit more (new) than $3000, from an excellent clean channel (not just for a high gain amp, but excellent period) through a brutal high gain. Massive low end which stays tight and focused (not as tight as VHT-from what I've heard, haven't played one -or a VH4). Diezels have their own unique tone and distortion character, which you may or may not like. The Uberschall also has a massive low end, and tons of gain, all of which is useable. Clean channel is only so-so, but it does take pedals wall. Also, the Uber is fairly loose, and has a more organic type distortion, vs Herberts more hi-fi distortion. It's also a bit less than $3000. The Herbert is the more versatile of the two, and I personally prefer the Diezel voicing to anything else I've tried when it comes to high gain.

Thanks man, well I'm looking into buying the Herbert, I really liked what I've heard from it and for me it's costs under "$3000" (not on paper but in reality, taxes and all that **** u know) since I live in Europe. I don't really think VHT is my amps, I like tight low end but they seem to be too dry? I haven't heard any good lead clips of it (without fx). Herbert or ENGL SE (EL34) seems to be more my thing, although ENGL can be a little too compressed at times, how is the Herbert as far as compression goes?
zenabI said:
Thanks man, well I'm looking into buying the Herbert, I really liked what I've heard from it and for me it's costs under "$3000" (not on paper but in reality, taxes and all that sh!t u know) since I live in Europe. I don't really think VHT is my amps, I like tight low end but they seem to be too dry? I haven't heard any good lead clips of it (without fx). Herbert or ENGL SE (EL34) seems to be more my thing, although ENGL can be a little too compressed at times, how is the Herbert as far as compression goes?

Yeah, the lack of import tariffs within the EU will certainly help u with the Herbert's price tag.
As far as compression, channel 3, the lead channel, can get fairly compressed as you increase the gain past around 1 or 2 o'clock. With the gain dimed, its pretty compressed, but other than that, I don't feel its an overly compressed channel at all. Its the most fluid and organic sounding channel as well, and the best suited (IMO) for high gain leads. Ch 2+ has a little less gain than ch 3, but is tighter, drier, and less compressed. Not as tight or nearly as dry as VHT, though. It still has a ton of useable gain, though.
If I had the coin I'd roll the dice on the new Mark V as a head as a matter of faith... I'd use the lower plate voltage setting and run old glass in it. Wouldn't tell anyone I was doing that until after the warranty expires... :twisted: :mrgreen:
honestly, I'd buy the MkV with a nice 2/12 cab. From what I'm reading, it's an great value at $2k. Sad news is I don't have the cash, so I'll get nothing and like it... :?
Sad thing for me and all other Europeans is that the Mark V will probably cost around $3500, or even more here.
Bogner Ecstasy 101b. I bought this thing a little over a month ago for $2400 used, and it's everything I'd hoped for. However, it's not my end all, be all amp; I just love the way the XTC and my TR work together in different recording situations.

It'll cover nearly any style out there with excellence, but the reason I bought it was for the rich, organic tones. If you've never played through a 101b, you're missing out. I chose this over the Diezels because to me, it has the ultimate lead tone - whereas my TR is the ultimate rhythm sound. Now, these are for my needs and not based on what the masses like, so I can't speak for anyone else. But when it comes to me, if I had $3k to spend, I'd get an XTC if I didn't already have one.
I would pick up a Framus Cobra or a Diezel Herbert. Killer metal tones as well as glassy blues tones.
But, those Randall MTS amps sound amazing too. Maybe ill pick up one of them.
A Budda Superdrive 45, or Mojave Scorpion or Demeter Tga 100. One more: CAE OD100SE. I love my Dual, had a Lone Star Classic (Not enough gain) My F-30 is cool, Looking for more of a one or two channel hard rock/metal/heavy blues amp. Think Joe Bonnamassa meets 80's Gary Moore. (Love Marshall, wont own one again)

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