Which 6L6's for the Mark IV

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2008
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Which 6L6's do you guys like in the Mark IV? What made them better than the stock Mesa tubes? The stock Mesa's are okay but I'm guessing something else would sound even better.
I prefer TAD 6L6GC STR over any 6L6 out there. They are fuller and smoother sounding than anything I have used, including =C='s.
bradg said:
Which 6L6's do you guys like in the Mark IV? What made them better than the stock Mesa tubes? The stock Mesa's are okay but I'm guessing something else would sound even better.

I'll help u save time by advocating TAD's. It makes Channel 2 useable with the least flub and as advertised, you will experience fullness in Channel 3.