Where to set all my volmues?????

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Well-known member
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Medford, NY / New Fairfield, CT
My current rig is a Triaxis/2:90/Gmajor. I have 4 different volumes:

Triaxis channel volume
Triaxis Output volume
2:90 Master Volume
Gmajor output
Gmajor preset outputlevels

From reading I am guessing you want to push the tubes as hard as possible. This means you can crank up the Triaxis channel and output as well as the 2:90 and set the gmajor to output the signal where ever you like. Is there a know optimal setting for one of these that will ensure the hottest signal and sustain from either the preamp tubes or power tubes?
Triaxis manual says better results between 6-8 volume.I use mine triaxis with master and pots at 8 .

Gmajor input as much is it work without clipping.
Gmajor output at maximum, this way Gmajor allow all input signal to get out of it. Presets volumes it's a matter of taste.

2.90 the louder the best. I tried half mode to recording pushing tubes harder with less volume BUT this mode changed the tone, I lost bass and raised treble, so I don't use it anymore.
I put my 4X12 cab inside of a box of concrete wich a made with a door, micked and recorded at full volume ! :twisted:
18&Life said:
Triaxis manual says better results between 6-8 volume.I use mine triaxis with master and pots at 8 .

Gmajor input as much is it work without clipping.
Gmajor output at maximum, this way Gmajor allow all input signal to get out of it. Presets volumes it's a matter of taste.

2.90 the louder the best. I tried half mode to recording pushing tubes harder with less volume BUT this mode changed the tone, I lost bass and raised treble, so I don't use it anymore.
I put my 4X12 cab inside of a box of concrete wich a made with a door, micked and recorded at full volume ! :twisted:

I wouldn't put the G-Major output at maximum. You want to set the input to where it just barely clips on your loudest patch, then back it off a bit. Then set the output so that there is no volume difference with the loop on or off. If it's not in the loop, you will have to plug/unplug to check the levels. Setting the output to max boosts the signal at the G-major which isn't the place you want to add extra volume.
Currently I have inputs on get gmajor right before clipping on a CLEAN channel. Volume on the 2:90 is about half way and triaxis output is about 10-11 O'clock. Masters on the Triaxis channels are about 3.5-4 depending on the channel since I use the preset here for any kind of volumes boost
Boltino said:
18&Life said:
I wouldn't put the G-Major output at maximum. If it's not in the loop, you will have to plug/unplug to check the levels. Setting the output to max boosts the signal at the G-major which isn't the place you want to add extra volume.

I'm sorry but there isn't an extra volume,setting its output to maximum you'll simply let all signal in, out .Even if it will give you an extra volume,it'll be good because it will push your 2.90 tubes harder :D
Come on people before giving your opinions,read the manuals :wink:
18&Life said:
Boltino said:
18&Life said:
I wouldn't put the G-Major output at maximum. If it's not in the loop, you will have to plug/unplug to check the levels. Setting the output to max boosts the signal at the G-major which isn't the place you want to add extra volume.

I'm sorry but there isn't an extra volume,setting its output to maximum you'll simply let all signal in, out .Even if it will give you an extra volume,it'll be good because it will push your 2.90 tubes harder :D
Come on people before giving your opinions,read the manuals :wink:

Easy now. Have you read the manual? If you think there isn't an output volume boost by cranking the output, I doubt you've read any manual on any effects processor. It's very poor advice to think that boosting the output at the G-major will be of benefit. The only thing it will add is noise. Power tube sweetness does not come from hitting them harder with a noisy signal boost.

FWIW, the manual says "Set the output level to match the equipment you feed the G-Major Output to." The absolute best result from this setup is to match the output from the G-major to the output level of the triaxis with the G-Major disconnected. This is true of any effects processor from Zoom to Eventide.

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