When boosting - Vintage or Modern mode?

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Nov 4, 2007
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All you boosters out there :mrgreen:

do you boost vintage or modern mode?
I'm going to try both but i'm curious to know what everyone's doing
For a long time it was Modern by default. But more recently I have been hearing about and reading about guys now using vintage mode, which has a little less of everything and gives a bit more room to play with the boost. Or something like that haha.
I do both. I also set my gain about 12 o'clock when boostin. I also use Vintage 90% of the time on channel 2. I use channel 3 Modern when I need some brutal death metal.
Vintage on channel 3 and Modern on channel 4... believe it or not channel 4 is my primary lead channel depending on which boost i use (bb preamp for leads, ocd for rhythms).
jdurso said:
Vintage on channel 3 and Modern on channel 4... believe it or not channel 4 is my primary lead channel depending on which boost i use (bb preamp for leads, ocd for rhythms).

Wow so you are using a boot pretty much the whole time you are switched to a dirty sound?
For metal stuff, I have both channel 3 and 4 on modern mode, with the boost activated when need be...
roadster channel 3 boosted modern and for solos channel 4 modern also boosted.

with my 2 channel recto I play also on modern . death metal channel
For me, it depends on the song. I'm kinda old school in that, when I'm playing a cover, I like to not only play the song accurately, I like to play the guitar tone accurately as well. If I'm playing hard rock/metal from the 70's to early 80's, I may not use a boost or OD for the rhythm. Any metal from the hair band era to current, I will definitely use one and probably leave it on for the whole song. If you could have a Recto whose gain went to "20" without mud, you'd do it, too. :mrgreen:
fluff191 said:
jdurso said:
Vintage on channel 3 and Modern on channel 4... believe it or not channel 4 is my primary lead channel depending on which boost i use (bb preamp for leads, ocd for rhythms).

Wow so you are using a boot pretty much the whole time you are switched to a dirty sound?

depends on what i'm going for... i use channels 3 and 4 both boosted and un boosted for certain things. channel 3 unboosted is very vintage rock and roll in the vein of zeppelin and aerosmith... boosted with the ocd and its very metallica and boosted with the bb is very slash. Channel 4 unboosted comes off like a coheed and cambria type rhythm... boosted with the ocd and its pure Killswitch Engage and with the bb its kind of like a petrucci lead tone.

As you can see i love many different flavors which those boosted and the Roadster together give me... and thats not even taking into account the first two channels.
I'm a Death Metal guy, so the boost stays on most of the time. I play with my guitar volume a lot so I get various amounts of gain throughout the channels.

CH3 - Modern (Rhythms)

CH4 - Vintage (Leads)