what's your favorite NON Mesa/Boogie Preamp??

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I've got an Engl E570. I got it because the E670 head I have is way too freakin loud for the venues I play. So, I picked up an E570 and a Mesa 20/20. I love the little 20/20 but I'm still tweaking the E570 to get the right sound. So, far I can get a excellent clean and really good crunch sound and my Keeley TS-808 works very well with both those channels. But, I'm still try to find a good setting for the lead 1 and 2 channels. I play a variety of guitars (PRS Cu24, PRS Mccarty, Fenders strats, semi-hollow body Gibsons) so dialing in the right settings is a rather chaotic process.

I've got a Randall RM4 with the clean, plexi, sl+, and xtc modules on the way. Needless to say, I'm anxious to try it out and curious to see how I might be able to pair it with the e570.

Danimal said:
But seriously folks... The Soldano SP-77 has a marvelous open, rich gain and a really nice clean as well. It's a great preamp.

Totally agree... the SP-77 is a great preamp for the money... the clean channel's good, but the flexibility of the red channel is amazing... blues tones, heavy crunch, singing solos. If I could only have one preamp (ok, and didn't have enough money for an Egnater M4 and a dozen modules), it'd be the Soldano.

Sorry but after trying:
A soldano (very to expensive) (make it yourself for less than $350 SP-77) ($550 for a 3 channel SP-88)
Egnater RM4 (the sound depend of module) Some are very good but some are very bad. Some of them need alteration.
Peavey rockmaster, j-station, sound totaly crap.

Triaxis is the best.
I'd say my Rocktron Chameleon holds up nice for practice :D

Besides my TriAxis, which is definitely number 1, the ENGL E580 is my second choice!
The Carvin Quad with graphic eq is pretty good also. My cousin has one that I've been trying to buy from him for ever.
Still using my gsp2101 right next to my s.pre. If you have the dual cpu's and a matched set of tubes installed (I do) it's fantastic. Has some very good effects too.
Besides the tri and quad, ive got a Bogner fish, soldano x88r, and just recently had Badcat make me thier first ever preamp...These :D 3 all have their killer tones, as do the boogies too!
Littleb said:
Besides the tri and quad, ive got a Bogner fish, soldano x88r, and just recently had Badcat make me thier first ever preamp...These :D 3 all have their killer tones, as do the boogies too!
any pics of the badcat
Still in my rack is an early '90s SR@D Rockman XPR.
Solid State yet I still love its easy programming, super array of sounds,
Low noise, and it still sounds great.

I can learn to Resist
Anything but Frustration
I've still got a PSA-1 in my rack. Very flexible and real decent tone. Just lacks dynamics. Great for cover bands, it'll do Marshall, Fender, Vox, Mesa on the fly.
while using an ADA MP-1, you can tweak the unit itself. at adadepot.com you can download shematics for different mods.
even a noise mod, if your unit is too noisy.
i picked up an ADA this week and my other preamp is a studio pre as well. ordered the resistors and caps. for the mod3 (SLO/5150/dual recto mod) which costs under 2.- Euros...
Im trying to shrink my avatar down to size( wanted to put boogie pics on this site)...but if you can find any of my posts on rig talk, ( same name) theres a HUGE gear pic for my avatar- badcat is in there..-the richest,most chimey,clean tones of all my preamps...but all the pre's have decent clean tones. QUESTION- I dont see a place to upload pics on my replies?.... :D
Littleb said:
Im trying to shrink my avatar down to size( wanted to put boogie pics on this site)...but if you can find any of my posts on rig talk, ( same name) theres a HUGE gear pic for my avatar- badcat is in there..-the richest,most chimey,clean tones of all my preamps...but all the pre's have decent clean tones. QUESTION- I dont see a place to upload pics on my replies?.... :D
email it to me

[email protected]
Randall RM4.

I sold my Triaxis for this, and dont miss the triaxis at all. Nails ANY tone you might want, and the flexibility is just amazing.
Only non-Mesa preamps I've owned and logged scores of hours on are the JMP-1, the MP-1 & the 2101 Artist. The Artist got me some descent clean tones, but I never could stand the effects processor. The MP-1 got some very nice clean tones and a very solid distortion, but I was more metal-inclined back then too. Still love the metal and always will, but my playing is far from metal these days, which is why I'm voting for the Marshall.
JMP-1 (versitile) and Engl 530 (very purpose built, super crunch-tastic) But I still use my old 2120 VGS at home
Of the few I've owned (ADA MP1, SansAmp PS1, and Marshall JMP1) my fav by far was the JMP1. With outboard EQ and tube poweramp, is pretty convincing cranked mic'ed Marshall tone.
Loving my new (to me) Studio Pre now! Also own Triaxis.