What's wrong with my tone?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
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I'm using an Ibanez RG2EX1 with installed EMG 81 and 85 pickups with a Boogie Mark III (Red-Stripe, 100-watt head with half-power switch) going through a Randall R412XLT (Randall 4x12 with V30's). My tone is pretty bad. It's harsh and loose and way too bright when I want a VERY tight and dark metal rhythm tone. I have no idea what the hell is wrong. Either this amp is WAY overrrated or I am doing something wrong. My volume is around 2 on Master and 1.5-2 on Lead Master. Is the lack or crankage my problem??? The tubes are around 2 years old. Do I need a retube? My settings are as followed:
Presence: 0
Treble: 7 (pulled)
Bass: 2
Middle: 4
Volume: 7 (pulled)
Lead Drive: 7 (pulled)
Master: 2 (pulled)
Lead Master: 1.5 (pulled)
80: Full
240: 75%
750: 50%
2200: 60%
6600: 75%

What am I doing wrong? My tone sucks
It sounds like something isn't right. I'd dip the mid EQ slider down to about 25% from the bottom, and lower the 2200 and 6600 some more. Turning the presence up to about 4-5, the volume 1 to 8, and treble up to 8-9 may help with this. The V30's are usually a bit top-endy when they're not broken in, as well.

These amps can get quite fizzy and gnatty sounding with the controls being just a bit out of adjustment.
1. Checked the batteries on the EMGs?
2. I'd also try pushing in (turning off) all the Pull Brights. It looks like you're using all of them.
3. Make sure all the tubes are seated properly.
4. Make sure your cab/speaker's impedances are matching the amp's. The best info I can find says that Randall cab is wired for 4/16-ohm mono and 8-ohm stereo operation. I believe the optimum wiring would be two speaker cables from each of the two 8 ohm jacks on the cab, one each into the 4 ohm outs on the head.
Hope this helps.

you want a dark tone....

presence 2.5
volume 9
treble 7
bass 2
middle 8(trust me!)
master whatever
lead drive 3
lead master whatever

sliders from left to right:

100%(aaaaall the way up)
70%(as counting between top line and bottom line)
20% " "
75% " "
65% " "

that is what i am doing now...then you can alter it to your liking....try it you won't be disappointed my man especially for the volume your playing at! this is great for bedroom, basement sorta dealio. but when you put her up to about 5, you will find your self turning down the first bass slider down...unless you have GOD speakers. cause your tone will sound slightly muddy and tubby, and whoever wanted to have mud could just buy a recto! haha...k that was a slight joke.
Try this settings!


It sounds awesome at my MKIII > mesa std recto 4x12 V30's

I use 5 mesa 12ax7 "russian 2" preamptubes, and 2 mesa STR 415 6L6 and two TAD EL34, running in simul class.

You have a 100watt, but the settings should be a great starting point.

good luck

btw your caps might be bad if it doesn't sound right, so if you could record your amp, and take a picture of the settings, and the microphone placement, we might be able to dublicate your sound.
And there might be something wrong with the amp.

Mark III teest.. What's wrong with my amp?
druckpig said:
xT00BZRG00Dx said:

Mark III teest.. What's wrong with my amp?

Are you just referring to the amp test clip ?

there are other clips on the soundclick link what do you think of the talent show clip are you unhappy with the tone of that also ?
I sort of like my tone on Mark III test. That was the one I was talking about because that one was with the cab I have now
to be honest I dont think there is anything drastically wrong with your amp after listening to the clips...
in fact I think it sounds quite good , my speakers on my computer are sh!t but even so... I like the tone on the talent show clip it sounds like a boogie doing exactly what its meant to do, it rips...

that doesent mean its what your looking for or matches the sound you imagine or hope it will sound like... but thats the real trick
if it isnt to your liking then i think its down to trying different speakers ,tubes, guitars etc... and trying to dial it in differently

I forgot to ask what speakers were you using on the talent show clip ?

Thanks man. And I think I found my tone FINALLY after 3 months. For the talent show clip, I used a Marshall 1960A (sold now) with Celestion G12T-75's. For the Mark III test, I used a Randall R412XLT with Celestion Vintage 30's. But I didn't mic it, I used the mic eliminator feature (XLR direct out-puts on my cab to project the sound of V30's mic'ed with an SM57). And it was double tracked. For the Talent show, I mic'ed wit with an SM57 and it was single tracked.
These are what I'm using now: http://www.chain-metal.nl/mark3/?bg=3&d1=90&p1=1&d2=70&p2=1&d3=15&d4=40&d5=25&p5=1&d6=70&p6=1&d7=25&p7=1&p=45&g1=55&g2=50&g3=15&g4=40&g5=50&t=Tight+Metal+Tone
why do you have like 10 posts on the first page of this forum?
You shouldn't have sold the 1960. Those gt75s are the key to getting the tightness and getting rid of harshness. I know, I know, I used to hate the 75s. Utterly. Now that I use them in tandem with other speakers, I now have a tighter useable lead 2 on my DSL, my IV's presence is back up to 5, and my recording is getting much better. Took some getting used to, but I'll never go back to all v30s again.
eet fuk said:
You shouldn't have sold the 1960. Those gt75s are the key to getting the tightness and getting rid of harshness. I know, I know, I used to hate the 75s. Utterly. Now that I use them in tandem with other speakers, I now have a tighter useable lead 2 on my DSL, my IV's presence is back up to 5, and my recording is getting much better. Took some getting used to, but I'll never go back to all v30s again.

I agree, I just made the switch my self, may consider doing a G12T-75 with V30's in a X pattern (4X12) to experiment, but the G12T-75's are the way to go, I scored an old British made one too, not sure about the new ones made in China?
Hmm, I wonder too. I also want to hear the difference between Mesa v30s, and regular v30s. I have been on a speaker kick lately. I must've changed out speakers 10 times in the last couple of months, trying this, trying that. Glad to hear you're gonna give the 75s another go.