what's up with my mark V?

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Nov 9, 2010
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I've had this thing for a while now and I'm just now getting radio noise coming from my speakers...

When i was playing this thing downstairs I didn't have any trouble and I had the gain at almost maximum. But the minute I put it upstairs i start getting this.

I have a mesa rectifier 4x12 that I'm running it through and a brand new set of EL34 tubes in the head. with a stereo cable connecting the cab to my head. this only happens on channel 3 and when I play with my Ibanez Xiphose which has Dimarzio Dactivator pickups.

I've tried cranking the gain down to like 12 or 10 and using my TS9 but I still get the radio signals just at a lower level.

Like no joke I seriously am listening to one of the radio shows here in my town on my amp. I had this problem when I had my krank too.
I'd like to tell you this is uncommon, but it's not. But there are things you can do to help. The biggest is shielding. From your control cavity in your guitar to your main guitar cable, to your patch cables between your pedals, etc. That's a big place where the RF can get picked up. But as you have heard, it is very faint, and can only be heard when you are are cranking the gain.

Also try reorienting your rig. The way the cables and amp are facing, in relation to the radio waves, will make a difference.

Lasty, you can move to a more rural area. :D
Guitar pickups are antenna, as is the cable coming out of your guitar. If you run into problems again and it's only with that specific guitar, look at getting it shielded. Do a Google search for how-to tutorials.
You were upstairs. The amp's a much better radio antenna the higher up you are. That's pretty much why you put them on the roof. Geez, does anybody actually have antennae anymore? :lol:
thanks you guys but so far there is no noise aside from the hiss from high gain (I haven't been able to setup my rack yet.)

but There is no radio anymore haha I was starting to throw a fit like Nigel did from Spinal tap XD

but thanks you guys, really appreciated.

Now if only I could find someone to help me set up my rack system lol

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