What will a hotplate do for me and my DR?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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OK- I've got to know if I would gain any advantages in using one of these when playing live shows? I use a PRS CE-24 and SL1 Jackson now and both are passive pups unlike when i used 81's, etc. My band is a hard rock cover band. Lots of distortion, feedback and solo's. The sound must be driven!
Would I really be able to drive my tone or shape my tone with one of these?
DirtyNoise said:
Would I really be able to drive my tone or shape my tone with one of these?
That's the idea. I'll be able to speak more definitely on the subject in a few days (once my HP arrives).
I've been using one for a while, and while they're not ideal - they do alter the tone somewhat, especially above -8 dB - they're very useful in the right situations. It definitely sounds better than just turning the master down...
A hotplate will help. It will allow you to drive your power tubes at lower volumes. There is a trade off with the speakers not being driven as hard, you'll lose a little of that. The -4 and -8 settings will work the best. At least that's what I've found with mine. Overall, it will be helpful.
I use mine all the time on my RK1 when we practice and have used it for a gig. We don't gig that often, but I would use it.
I like what it does but I agree that below 8dB you're suffering a bit of tone suck despite. This can be fixed with the amp's EQ but you should be aware of it. I found it sucked the high frequenices too much (I had the bright switch on at all time).

Cool for what it does, it's great for limiting volume for club playing and what not. That said, I don't have a need for mine any more after selling my Dual Rec.
DirtyNoise said:
Would I really be able to drive my tone or shape my tone with one of these?
IMHO, in a negative way! Also IMHO, I believe they to be more intended for non master volume amps! Mr Smith's creation of a cascading preamp was intended just for this, to give an amp some distortion/gain without having to turn it up so loud!

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