What tubes are right for me?

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2011
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Ok so i recently purchased a old 2 channel dual rec figured i'd get new tubes got the yellows because i thought they would sound better then the greys. I was incorrect the yellows don't hold well at higher volumes the "tightness" of the sound really falls apart the louser i get. Now please keep in mind I have done enough forum reading about the color system of mesa tubes to make my head spin mostly on the boogie board. All i know is the colors from green to white handle louder volumes and still sound good for the music we play. My question is what is better for rock punk grunge crap we play. Green or grey even though they are only a little higher then yellows or do I go higher or do like 2 green and 2 blue and make purple haze lol anyway let me know what you guys think and please answer quickly i am doing the swap soon.
The different power tubes colors are really only ratings in terms of available headroom.

I like a good middle ground and run Green-rated power tubes. That way you can crank the amp up VERY loud and still be able to get a good clean tone.
What do you mean good clean tone do you mead a good clean sounding tone or clean as in clean clean
BrentSSL said:
What do you mean good clean tone do you mead a good clean sounding tone or clean as in clean clean


I'm not sure what you're asking, but I'm pretty sure what he means is he has enough headroom to play loudly with minimal breakup.
ifailedshapes said:
I'm not sure what you're asking, but I'm pretty sure what he means is he has enough headroom to play loudly with minimal breakup.

That is exactly what I meant.
So if I am playing modern rock is blue gonna sound better in the rectifier or green or do i do both or try a different color combo. Also fluff you have any sound clips or helpful advice for dialing in that kind of tone on a 95 dual since you have one. I am also a shchecter fan the c-1 exotic and triple x are my main guitars with emgs 81 in the bridge and 60 in the neck I am also getting a tempest not sure what pickups I want in that yet. any way let me know what you think thanks for your help guys.