What Tremolo pedal will my DC-3 like best?

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
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New Jersey
I'm looking at integrating a tremolo pedal into my set up. I've looked at a lot of stuff on line, and have basically narrowed it down to the Electro-Harmonx "Wiggler", which does both trem and vibrato. Any DC users have any experience with the EH pedals in general or the Wiggler specifically? Before I haul the amp down to the store for a try-out I'd appreciate any feedback on these pedals or any other recommendations you might have. Thanks.

GTR(strat/tele/prs)>dunlop wah>dynacomp>phase 90[>trem/vibrato]>DC-3

FX send>delay pedal>rack tuner>rack verb>rack chorus>fx return
Well, I can't help right at this moment but I should know something after tonight as I'm doing my first gig w/ the DC-3 tonight and I have a Fulltone Supa-Trem. It doesn't have vibrato but it really is a great trem unit. I've used it w/ my VHT Pittbull for quite awhile now and it always sounds great. I don't use a lot of tremolo on any given gig but I'll try and incorporate it somewhere tonight and report back if you like.
Sorry I can't help you w/ the Wiggler. If you end up getting one, you'll have to post here and let us (or at least me) how it works out.
Thanks Greg. The Fulltone was one of the units I was also considering. I'd definitely be interested in hearing how it goes, and would appreciate the feedback. If I go with the wiggler, I'll definitely report back on the unit. I'd like to get some more feedback though before I commit.
I also considered the wiggler, and tried it out. I had a TR2 and didn't really like it. It does trem well, but I found I'd rather have vibrato and lessen the mix.
I ended up finding an A/DA flanger which does trem, vibe, leslie, flange,phase.It's been a great attribute to my rig. Some on ebay now.
I think you'll like the wiggler though, it's very deep.So is the worm..
ax. 8)
Thanks ax. Some of the reviews I read on the wiggler said that it had a "pop" when the effect was engaged or disengaged at full stage volume, whereas others said nothing like that was noticeable. The reason I mention this is that I have found from experience that some effects seem to do this on a tube amp, but for some reason not on a solid state amp. I'm disenclined to try out a pedal at the local GC at full stage volume. Did you notice anything like that?
Yes.. Due to the fact that it's true bypass. The effect of this can be lessened with a mod, to in-audible. But, that's the drawback to EHX true bypass.
Check out analogman.com
He can do the mod, or tell you how to do it. But I would think you should check it out yourself, and try 'em all at high volume.
If the pop is no good, move on to one that doesn't.
But anyway, try to get one that does more than trem alone.
ax. 8)
I've got a Peavey Valverb in the loop of my Mark IV and its been great. Very good sounding trem and verb. I think they can be picked up for $200-300.

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