What to get next??? Need help deciding on an amp.......

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO
**** Ok, I have my baby the '95 Tremoverb head and Genz Benz 2x12..... so I've go the Boogie tone whenever I need it, but only 2 sounds available for quick changing (4 with the added V-Twin).

**** I've got my old amp I learned to play on and will never get rid of, a 1972 Fender Deluxe Reverb (one sound unless I add a foot pedal).

**** I also have a Rectoverb II combo that I got for the hard load ins and smaller stages... same basic sounds as the T-Verb.

I am getting ready to ventrue in to (back in to) playing more modern country music (mostly originals) but also keeping some of the same songs I'm currently playing in my 80s, 90s and modern rock band----- stuff like: Bon Jovi, Poison, Creed, Van Halen, Alice in Chains, Puddle of Mudd, Nickleback, ect.... (But without all the screaming songs because it's tearing up the singers throat).

So, I'm needing an amp that is VERY versatile that can go from super clean rythems, to gritty country leads, to vibrato chording, to medium gain and then to all out Dual Recto gain.. But I'm needing different FX on each of these sounds and would like to keep it a combo (tube if at all possible). My Rectoverb is Ok for some of that, but it lacks the FX and I don't want to go out and spend $400 on fx peadals to run in the amp and have 10 different pedals threre. I have a Line 6 Podxt and I thought about getting the floorboard for it and using it just for some FX and a bit of grit on the clean channel... Then I thought about wanting a 2x12 instead of the ROV's 1x12 so I've looked at some Riveras. I even checked out the new Crate VFX5212 and the distortion was great on it but the clean was too brittle no matter what I did or what guitar I played. I want to keep it simple with not a hard set up... Are there any tube amps out there with built in FX that would sound good or are there any (I hate to say this) ...... Modeling amps out there that actually sound good (not line 6)?????? I like the Vox Valvetronix amps, but they're not all tube. I think the tube in there is just kind of a gimmick, but it has some decent sounds and nice FX.

Whats the word?? Get a footpedal to run in front of my Rectoverb or Deluxe or trade off the Rectoverb for a different amp (tube or modeling) and which one?
I would LOVE to have a Bogner Shiva!!!! But they are running around$1500 - $1800 used on ebay!! That would be my ultimate clean/country guitar. Keith Urban uses them (along with Matchless, Bad Cat, Top Hat and old Marshalls).
Tele, as you know, I used to run a FlexIIIXL - loved the effects, hated the tone - even with a Bluetube in the effects loop.

I am finding with the Lonestar Special (1x12 - I've ordered a 1x12 widebody cab and it's being made now) and a Pod XT Live, there is pretty much no type of tone I can't make and it all has that glorious tube foundation, if you will. This is what I did to solve the issue you are having.

Of course, I need like a week off from work to nail my tones down perfectly... :)
Tele, the Valvetronix AD60VTX is a great amp. It gets near Mesa sounds with the Recto setting and honestly, the Soldano setting may actually be better than many Mesa tones. The cleans are near pristine and the effects are pretty useful. What you sacrifice in tube sound you make up in versatilty and convenience. I will say that the VC-12 foot switch is a must. It has a GREAT volume pedal and a built in tuner. I owned the 60 but it started acting flakey and I got scared and ran to a Mesa. But as with any amp, there are lemons and I think I had one. The biggest advantage is that you can sound like a Marshall, Soldano OR a Mesa with the AD60VTX

PS - I A/B'd it with my ROV combo and although there is a noticable tone difference, I attribute it more to the great Mesa tone rather than bad Vox sound. PSS - my drummer (what do they know anyway :) ) claims it was the best sounding all around amp I ever owned.

tele_jas said:
**** Modeling amps out there that actually sound good (not line 6)?????? I like the Vox Valvetronix amps, but they're not all tube. I think the tube in there is just kind of a gimmick, but it has some decent sounds and nice FX.

Whats the word?? Get a footpedal to run in front of my Rectoverb or Deluxe or trade off the Rectoverb for a different amp (tube or modeling) and which one?
The Line 6 flextone III does the hi-gain thing much better than the VOX. You should test them out side by side. Also, consider getting a used Vetta II - you can create some very unique sounds with that.
That's just an opinion, I'll say that the Vox does the high gain much better than ALL other modelers, their biggest downfall is the pre-gain effects(tube driver, compressor, etc) cannot be coupled (post gain is chorus, flange, delay, reverb) and that the effects may not be as good as the Boss GT series. If the Line 6 did gain any better there would be no point in owning a Mesa, Soldano or Marshall because they are VERY close to the real thing on the Vox.

metfan said:
The Line 6 flextone III does the hi-gain thing much better than the VOX. You should test them out side by side. Also, consider getting a used Vetta II - you can create some very unique sounds with that.
i had a VTX120 and that started crappin out on me,but i did think the tones were decent as well as the fx. with a lone star ur not going to get anything close to a recto tone. my nomad is set for fenderish cleans and can get dirty to do some blues or country, ch 2 is a classic mesa lead channel that can get marshally if needed or mark esq. ch 3 is set up in a recto fashion with a hair more civilty than the solo heads IMO and these are a fraction of the cost of the LS :wink:
with a lone star ur not going to get anything close to a recto tone.
I agree, the lonestar doesn't have the heaviness to play Alice ine Chains or puddle of mudd. I think you need a Bad Cat Hot Cat 30, across the board! :p