What to buy??????????

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2007
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Eastern Ky. USA
Ok I am deciding on for preamp either a
A) Recto Recording Pre "Preamp"
B) Triaxis

and for a Power Amp either a
A) 2:90
B) 2:100
3) Marshall 100/100 EL34 Power Amp - maybe

what are the major difference in the preamp and power amps
is the 2:100 just a better version of the 2:90 are are there more other differences
As far as the preamp which would be best fo those 2

and since I am on the subject why not just buy a full Triple rectifier head if I am going to get the pre and power amp, what major difference in getting rack mount over the triple rectifier head or dual rectifier head

I will be using a G-Major, BBE Sonic Maximizer, & Furman Power conditioner for sure on whichever setup I get.

I really like the sounds Cesar Huesca and Gustavo Guerra (youtube, look them up if you have not heard either of them) get from the different Mesa rack mount systems they use

listen around time 3:20 to that delay/echo that is the tone I want to achieve, granted he has more preamps and fx also but hopefuly I can get it with one of the 2 combinations above, I also have a customized Malmsteen Strat I will be using with the setup I choose, see it here buy the guy that customized it for me right before he sent it back to me

Also anyone here in the Daytona area with Boogie equipment I could try out first

Jeff in daytona Beach
If you decide to go with the 2:90 I have one in excellent condition for sale.


Let me know if you have any questions.

First off, if you're looking for the Rectifier tone (for which I've always had a warm place in my heart) the Recto Pre + 2:100 will only give you a very slight advantage over just getting a used Recto head. Keep in mind that a stereo power amp is actually two separate power sections that then produces two separate speaker loads. That as it may, many stereo power amps therefore have 4 speaker outs (Left A and B, and Right A and B) so when you're in rack territory, you can get that wall-of-cabinets type of sound (great for big gigs).

So unless you want the power of two recto heads in one rack, that extra cash might be better spent on a Triaxis/2:90 combo. I had the 2:90 for a while (used it with a different preamp) and it is a fabulous power amp. You can put different types of tubes in each side of the power amp, so for example one cabinet would be powered by EL34's and the other cabinet with 6L6's, all at once. It also has a half-wattage mode, which is wonderful, and deep and modern modes that push it into rectifier territory. You'll probably get 95% to the tone of a Recto head with the Triaxis/2:90 combo. If that 5% is big to you, then just get a Recto head. But if you want a pallette of amazing cleans, amazing lead tone, and amazing recto-style CHUNK, the Triaxis/2:90 is what you want.
OK thanks so far, also I know the Recto Pre has a parellel FX loop, the triaxis has a programmable, what does that actually mean you can do differently, is it parallel or series? and which is best for running a G-major thru it?

Also are there major differences of the 2:90 and the 2:100 power amps which is best with the g-major and either the recto pre or triaxis premp, so much to decide on.......
I am leaning on the 2:90 so far i think for power amp, and still debating the preamps yet?

Well if you're running a rack set up, the whole point is so that you can place your effects unit between the preamp and power amp without having to screw with an fx loop. For every rack set up I've ever had I always run

Guitar > Wah > Preamp > FX unit > power amp > cabinet

rather than using the preamp's effects loop. The only advantage I can think of that you will get from using the preamp's fx loop is that you'll be able to set whether the effects are in or out of the signal per patch. So for example if you're on patch 1 of the triaxis and its supposed to sound like a Recto, you can set it so that patch has the Fx loop turned off. On patch 2, if you want that to be some sort of 80's lead sound, you can set the fx loop to be on.

But I believe one of the original reasons why guitarists used racks (starting in the 80's of course) was so that you had a separate preamp and poweramp for an fx unit in between, as well as the stereo capability that normal heads don't have.
The 2:100 has more bass and aggression, as it is the actual power section of the Recto series.

The 2:90 is simul-class and is the power section of the Mark Series.

I own a 2:100, and the description of the 2:100 vs. the 2:90 on Mesa's site sums up the differences very accurately.

TKS everyone I finally have decided and am getting the Recto Pre and the 2:100, along with the G-Major, Furman 8 Power Conditioner, and a BBE Sonic Maximizer 482i

everyone :)

Now I either have to rewire my (4) 16 OHM 25W Greenback cab to Parallel and make it (4) 4 Ohms @ 100Watt, or 2 sets of (2) series 8 Ohms @ 50Watts and keep the volume lowered for now, or replace the speakers to all 8 OHm higher wattage vintage 30's 70 watters or G12T75's
Anyone need (4) 16 OHM 25W greenbacks?????
:) :)

Now can someone please jump over to my "NEW RACK" thread and show me how to run the cabling from the BBE, G-minor and G-Major thru the Recto so it all works together and the g minor is a channel switcher also thru the Recto Pre.