What the hell is that "radioactive" sticker on my tube !?!

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stokes said:
Fair enough.So to get back to the original topic,as to what is inside a tube.I once dropped a Tungsram 12AX7 on the concrete floor,it snapped the little nipple on top of the tube.The tube didnt dis-color right away,so to check if the vacuum was broken,I went and sucked on it,it was indeed broken,inside of the tube went an ashy white immediately,couldnt get that taste out of my mouth for hours.Do you think I'm gonna die?Pretty sure there was nothing radioactive involved,I dont glow.

You got the getter in your mouth? I hope you're kidding.

Getters are usually made from Barium. See "precautions".

Chuck Bravo said:
You got the getter in your mouth? I hope you're kidding.

Getters are usually made from Barium. See "precautions".

What little barium was free inside the tube probably changed to barium oxide before on its way into his mouth. Such a small, one-time dose of barium oxide is not so significant as to warrant a worry. But I'm in no way saying it should be repeated.

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Typical Tube-Part Materials.

Envelope -- Lime Glass
Spacer -- Mica sprayed with magnesium oxide
Plate -- Carbonized nickel or nickel-plated steel
Grid Wires -- Manganese-nickel or molybdenum
Grid Side-rods -- Chrome copper, nickel, or nickel-plated iron
Cathode -- Nickel coated with barium-calcium-strontium carbonates
Heater -- Tungsten or tungsten-molybdenum alloy with insulating coating of adundum
Cathode tab -- Nickel
Mount support and loop -- Nickel or nickel-plated iron
Getter -- Barium-magnesium alloys
Heater connector -- Nickel or nickel-plated iron
Stem lead-in wires -- Nickel, dumet, copper
Pressed stem -- Lead Glass
Base -- Bakelite
Base Pins -- Nickel-plated brass

This is for a 1950-1970 era tube.
New production may or maynot use the same "ingrediants".
Whether or not what is dangerous or safe is subjective.
I am sure a sharp peice of glass has done damage to plenty in varying degrees.

Simple point is, if tube seller put a Radioactive sticker on the tube it has to due with our legal
system. If you were selling tubes and a customer found the right or "wrong" lawyer with
that same customer sick from cancer. You might be playing in court,win or lose is up to the jury
if it ever went that far. Ask the tube dealer what his opinion is. Then we do not have to guess or
listen to others, while some are opinions, others are making statements. Email the tube seller
I would like to know,just so this post keeps going.Making veins stick out of some people's necks. :lol:
Have you ever had an Xray, mri, barium enema or barium swallow?
I still bite my sinkers onto the fish line even knowing there is lead in them, now you know tubes have lead also,
just like my expensive Lead crystal antique lamp.

Calling all board moderators and masters.
Please help in making a spell checker.
I have trouble spelling every word correctly.
I make mistakes.
Why me? If someone said I bought the tubes form Lerxst.
Most would let it go and just figure it meant FROM not FORM. :(

:oops: adundum. mofo I slipped, Looking at the keyboard I think one side of my brain crossed over to the other, I mean
the D is using my left hand and the L is my right hand. :wink: Same side of the brain I was just kidding for a second .I did not proof read I meant :arrow: a(L)undum alundum. :oops:

Alundum is a trade name for aluminum oxide (spell check) please , it is used as supports and spacers for vacuum tubes,
among other uses,it is also one of the materials used for coating tungsten heaters.

I have never made a V tube nor do I intend to.
There is endless information on dumet. I would take another two minutes and an educated guess.
Yet,I am sure your guess would be better than mine.Perhaps just intentional different than mine.
As my guess is they use different kinds in different brands or left to the chance of availability at different time periods?
Thus leaving me open for another, there is a needle in your haystack. I found it.What color was your needle.
What was it made out of.Why did I put it there.
Will I really continue to entertain this insanity?
Usually I would.

Most people actually like me. I am often told I am kind,well educated,articulate,and helpful.
Those same people will also tell you that when I send them an email, at first they did not think it was from me.
I have spell check on my email,so I fool the people I email,they think I can spell. On this forum you all know the truth.
They wonder if they did something to anger me. Am I having a bad day? Am I having a long day?
I seldom get angry, I often get annoyed,I never have a bad day, I may have bad moments during any one day.
I never have a long day as all days have twenty four hours. Oh,no I am left open. OK, except two times a year,
in the spring we set the clock an hour ahead, and in the fall an hour back, or vice versa, I even forget that.

So much gets lost in the writing of emails ,blogs,and posts,ect.

Now some simple choices for tonight, Weed or LSD?
Weed is safer. Yet,Lsd seems to help me come up with fresh ideas,new ideas,and some ugly stuff I have to run
from. Since it is not really there, I no longer run from those demons.
Have a good night.
Sorry about the wrong letter making me :oops:
sorry I am not up to seeing what kind of dumet is used,by whom,why,and when.

New words to me... thanks for that!

Now re-set that bear trap, and get some different bait for the trigger - so I can step in it again :shock:

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LerxstLee said:
Simple point is, if tube seller put a Radioactive sticker on the tube
The tube seller didn't put the sticker on the box, it's an old JAN stock, sticker were on some packages, sometimes not.

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