What pedal to boost Ch.2 for solos etc . .

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Feb 22, 2011
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Hey guys,

What overdrive pedals would you recommend for layering on a triple rectifiers 2nd channel for either versatility for more grunt / or to add with the amps solo boost function for a better lead sound ?

There is alot of talk of 808's . . Anything else ?

I own . .

Paul Cochran TIM
Ibanez ts9
Klon Centaur
Maxon od-808
Fulldrive 2
Analogman King of tone
MI Audio Crunchbox
Ulbrick 12axe
A lot depends on what it is you want and how your amp is set up before adding any drive pedals in the equation.

I have quite a number of drive pedals, some sound great, others not so great for my amp, a Rectoverb. Sometimes I cascade two pedals (whether they work great or not so great with my amp) and they sound better and sometimes worse.

I've cascaded the MI Audio's Crunch Box into their TubeZone and through the clean pushed channel of my Rectoverb and it sounded fantastic. I've used an original Marshall Drive Master pedal into the raw channel and it's one freakin' good pedal. In fact, it's excellent. Wamplers Pinnacle is excellent as is their Plextortion. I've cascaded the Marshall Drive Master into Wampler's Pinnacle and that is great, too. For a solo sound, I feel this duo is awsome. A really nice compressed tone.

There's so many combinations it's not funny. When cascading, watch out for output level and gain level on the pedals especially the first pedal into the next. Watch gain level on the amp, too. You can make a mess of things real quick, so be warned. Try cascading the Crunch box into one of your pedals and then switch them around, A>B then B>A. You never know....

From memory, the original tan coloured Ross distortion pedal is excellent, too. Zoom's original wide body metal pedals: the Tri Metal is something else.... takes some time to dial in and has a huge bottom end. Might be a bit much for solos. Their Hyper Lead is pretty hi gain and for low gain their Power Driver is excellent. All good pedals in their own right. In fact I've read a number of times that the Power Driver is comparable to the Klon.... go figure.... not that I've ever heard a Klon.

I also place an EQ pedal in the loop. I also EQ out front after any drive pedals and kick it in depending what pedal/s are used. Sometimes a simple tone knob isn't enough.

Other pedals I can think of to try: Homebrew Power Screamer, Maxon Super Tube Screamer ST-01 (original) (or Ibanez's equivalent), MI Audio Blues Pro (I feel is better than the Ibanez/Maxon TS pedals) but may not be compressed enough, Rat Vintage or their new You Dirty Rat - this pedal seems to have a very smooth drive character, that's why I'm interested.

I own all lsited pedals except Rat's You Dirty Rat. I have a lot more and some don't sound too good with the Rectoverb but am sure they'll sound good with my JSX.... just haven't tried them yet. I find that distortion pedals, rather than overdrive pedals, sound a little worse and sometimes bad with the recto. I think it's the rectos gain structure that doesn't seem to mix in well with distortion pedals very well, hence the classic TS type pedals that everyone loves.

Plenty there for you. Have fun.
michael6120 said:
Hey guys,

What overdrive pedals would you recommend for layering on a triple rectifiers 2nd channel for either versatility for more grunt / or to add with the amps solo boost function for a better lead sound ?

There is alot of talk of 808's . . Anything else ?

I own . .

Paul Cochran TIM
Ibanez ts9
Klon Centaur
Maxon od-808
Fulldrive 2
Analogman King of tone
MI Audio Crunchbox
Ulbrick 12axe

They'll all work! OD808 is a safe bet but I'd love to try all of those. Just see which you like best!
b0nkersx said:
michael6120 said:
Hey guys,

What overdrive pedals would you recommend for layering on a triple rectifiers 2nd channel for either versatility for more grunt / or to add with the amps solo boost function for a better lead sound ?

There is alot of talk of 808's . . Anything else ?

I own . .

Paul Cochran TIM
Ibanez ts9
Klon Centaur
Maxon od-808
Fulldrive 2
Analogman King of tone
MI Audio Crunchbox
Ulbrick 12axe

They'll all work! OD808 is a safe bet but I'd love to try all of those. Just see which you like best!

^ This. Try the TIM and the Centaur, Rectos like a boost or mild OD more than heavy OD or outright distortion. Outside your list, try Xotic BB Preamp, Creation Audio MK.4.23, or even an EQ pedal like the MXR 10-band