What PA cab's are you guys using in your bands?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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Well I'm looking at putting together a PA system for another band I'm in and was wonder what people are using? What do you guys like. What would you want if you could buy it? I'm thinking about going and checking out the SP series from Peavey. The duel 15" bottoms and SP 3-way tops.
We use Peavey 1 18" bottoms now and 2 way tops. I think they're the marage series. They're old..like 10+years with LOTS of hours on them.
So what do you think?? Any suggestions?
Our band uses the Yamaha Club Series V stuff and we've been happy with. We have two 15" 2-way uppers and one 18" sub plus two 15" 2-way manitors. The uppers have their own power amp as do the subs and monitors. We did eventually blow the sub woofer speaker (cheap eminence) and replace it with a peavey lowrider (indestructable). Get amps with built-in active cross overs (makes things easier). We used mackie 1400i's and yamaha P series. I've been using this set-up for about 3 years now with no complaints. Sure there's better stuff out there but for the price they work great for the small/medium venues we play locally.

An don't buy the hype about needing two sub. We actually started out with two (one on ech side). Then we went to using just one in the center and it works just as well and gives you something to stand on when you're soloing through your cranked Boogie!
We're using Mackie SRM450 powered speakers, two for mains and two for monitors. Very nice sound. They do what we need them to do. No subs at this point.

Peaveys seem to be good solid performers, as well.
stratman62 said:
... Get amps with built-in active cross overs (makes things easier)...
+1, if your band has at the very least pair mains w/ 1-15" and mid/hi horns, I would go bi-amp. Active crossover is so efficient and cleaner than "passive crossover" PA system.
Ya, the bass player is helping out in this and he just purchased 1 new power amp with built in crossover. We mailnly play bars/clubs that's why were want to get away from the 18". They take longer for the signal to produce we think. Since we play hard rock...and eventually with this new side band..nothing but Tool... we want things to be as tight as possible. I think we're run a sonic maximizer as well. we can use the 18" when we play bigger things like the fair, etc.
I'm a guitar guy so I haven't put too much energy in learning all the PA in and out's. But now I there's a need for me to do so. Keep the suggetions flowing.