What is a Mark IIA head worth?

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Jul 22, 2013
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Hey guys, I have a Mark IIA head (I’m almost sure it’s an “A” based on my research) that I plan on trying to trade or sell at an upcoming guitar show. I can’t get a feel for what it’s worth because usually it’s the combo amps I see people trying to buy/sell. Can someone give me an idea what I could expect to get for this thing? I may end up trading if I can get more value that way but I still need to know essentially what it’s worth so I don’t get screwed.

Just a little history, I bought the amp about 15 years ago and it has spent almost all of that time in my bedroom, unused. It definitely works, but as an on-again/off-again couch guitarist, I just have no need for 100 watt amp. :) As you can see from the pics, the owners before me definitely got some use out of it. It has wear and tear but it appears to be mostly cosmetic. I’m not sure what other details you may need as I’m certainly no expert like you guys. I know the thing is very dirty/dusty in those pics, but I will clean that up before trying to sell it.

Lastly, I hope this isn’t sacrilege to bring up here :oops: but I also have a Marshall 1960A 412 cabinet that I would like to liquidate along with this amp. Unlike the head, the cabinet is in pristine condition and has been sitting here along with the amp for lo these 15+ years. What do you think I should expect for the cabinet?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/tedaldridge/library/Mesa Boogie Mark IIa
I'd say $550.00 - $750.00 for each in their respective conditions. I sold my 1960B for $300.00 to a friend but it was in rough condition and he bugged me for 2 years for it so I know he really wanted it badly. I like the Celestion G65's in my 1960A better than the 70's that were the 1960B, so I kept that one. GC had a blow out on Genz-Benz 4X12's with Eminence private jack speakers, brand new msrp $999, blow out $350 shipped, got 2. I recently passed on llA with a 15" Altec for $500.00 and there is a nice III/EV with original anvil case for $750 obo nearby. If I were you and was offered $1000.00 for the stack, I'd take it.
she has been through it-sliders busted...the knobs look chipped
I have seen combos in good condition go for 1000 ..does that sound about right?
how old are the tubes?
do you know if it still has a fetron tube?is the reverb noisy?
I would give her a good cleaning(search this board-lots of good info)
I am gonna throw out 600-700 as a guess?
(where are the boogiefiles when you need them?)
I am sure some folks more knowledgeable than me concerning the A will chime in

how about your cab...what speakers is it loaded with?
Surely it is a Mark II-A. What's the serial number and the manufacturing date written at the bottom of the chassis?

By the "Patent Pending" label at the back of the chassis, I can guess it's been manufactured before August/September 1979.
From October/November 1979 on, they had a label that says "Design and Circuit Patented".

If you want to know a little bit more about your II-A:
- it has a very unique sound in the Mark series. It is more of a Tweed Bassman while the II-B is more of a Blackface.
- II-A chassis and cabinets are only interchangeable with Mark I chassis and cabinets.

Wow sounds like it might be worth more than I thought! I was afraid that I might only get about $300-$350 each. I hope you guys are right.

Unfortunately I don't have many answers to these questions. I have no idea about the fetron or the noisy reverb. I live in an apartment and can barely get the volume past 1 to even try it out. I also don't know what speakers are in the cabinet, I've never opened it. Lastly, I'm not sure about the tubes but they're at least 15 years old because I've never changed them. I'm not exactly a fountain of knowledge am I? lol

The amp is dated 6/29/79 and it's serial# 3848. Thanks again for everyone's input.