What function does each pre amp tube do in a Mk III ?

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Dr. Tweedbucket

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
I found a link that spelled it out and then I lost it. :oops: It told what V1's job was through V5 and what tubes you could change to make the biggest tone shaping difference. Does anyone here know of that link or know what the tubes do?
Since stumbling upon the ultimate pre and power tube combination , my Mark III redstripe not only has superior tone ........


But spontainiously generates a smothered burrito combo platter !

Let's see a 2c+ do that !
Buddy said:
Since stumbling the ultimate pre and power tube combination , my Mark III redstripe not only has superior tone ........


But spontainiously generates a smothered burrito combo platter !

Let's see a 2c+ do that !

I guess when you gas for gear, you really gas for gear.....
Buddy said:
Since stumbling the ultimate pre and power tube combination , my Mark III redstripe not only has superior tone ........


But spontainiously generates a smothered burrito combo platter !

Let's see a 2c+ do that !

Wow ! !11! :shock:

I'll have to try that..... :lol: :lol:
Anyway Doc ,
It is loaded with Mullard old stock tubes 12ax7's except for the P.I. tube
which is a 12at7 . Power tube wise , pick your medication wisely......
Pristine cleans , bubbly and HUGE in class a or simul mode .
Pretty much anything I want from there to total harmonic disfunction .
Enjoy your Boogie .



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