What brand preamp tubes for my DC2 ??

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Nov 19, 2005
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The Lan Dow Nunda
I'm considering replacing all the preamp tubes in my DC2.

I have a bit of a mixture in there at the moment. Sovtek LPS, chinese and an old Philips.

When I bought it second hand a few years ago I swapped out all the tubes it came with (mixed bag and a bit microphonic) for a full set of Sovtek 12AX7 LPS, which were pretty good for a while till the odd one here and there went bad.

I don't know what I should put in there now.

I'd like some of your opinions on whats good at the moment.


...and here's a nice picture

When I had mine, I ran the following:

V1-3-5-6 JJ High Gain 12AX7's (from Eurotubes)
V2 Electro-Harmonix 12AX7 (Lead channel gain stages 2&3)
V4 NOS GE 12AX7 (Clean channel gain stages 2&3)

I had really great cleans & leads. The only thing that I would ocasionally do, is swap V2 with the JJ High-Gain if I wanted a more Vintage tone. The EH is pretty aggressive.

I also used JJ EL-84's.

Hope this helps,
Thanks for your reply Andy.

I was hoping for a few more replies so I could get a few differing preferences.

I've been considering the JJ 12AX7's. How well do they stand up the the mechanical bashing they get in a combo?
The Sovteks got rattly pretty quick.

I'm on my second set of JJ EL84's and really like those.

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