What Boost in Front of 5:50 to get Metal?

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
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Just like the title states, what is a good boost to put in front of a 5:50 to get a good Metal tone without destroying the beauty of the amps tone?


Can this amp do metal on it's own with the right settings?
kekam35 said:
Didn't you already discuss this?


This time I am asking what boost to use to push it over the edge or if there is some magic setting I dont know about.
Ah dude I'm gonna say it really really all depends on what kind of metal you play. For Death Metal, you're probably going to need some sort of pedal or just dime the contour on the burn channel or something. Go to http://www.dougstubes.com and there's a tube kit that gives the burn channel like 30% more gain and less hum from what people say. Just remember that amp preference is all relative. So many people love the Rectos for metal but personally I really don't like the tone at all. I'm glad I didn't hear what a lot of people said about this amp before I tried it because IMO for Atmospheric Black Metal this amp is ridiculous. Even with the Blues channel's gain dimed I can still get great black metal tones out of it. This amp is unfathomably articulate and just has great tone in general. If it had a presence knob I think it could open up the possibilities a lot more for death, tech death, grindcore, thrash, and the more "Norwegian" black sound where everything is kind of scratchy, but personally I love this things tone to death. Silky and articulate while still being high gain. The class A is like a wet dream come true for solos. It's soooo awwwwwwwwesome.
To my ears, it doesn't need it at all. Just crank the burn to max and go at it. I love that you can do that with this amp. With gain set to max, it's still totally usuable and sounds awesome.

Try these settings:

Gain: Max
treble:9 o'clock
Mid:7 o'clock
I don't need any boost for metal tone on my express. However, anyone who want's to boost the input of a tube amp to increase gain by overdriving the first gain stage would be wise to boost with a unit that has possibility of bass cut. If not, the resulting distortion might sound quite bad. How about an EQ pedal or simply a clean boost pedal with at least a bass cut control?
Now, that's a very interesting question.

And now for the REALLY interesting one:
What Boost in Front of 5:50 to get GOLD? :mrgreen:

Find the answer and all the alchemists will be ever grateful!
Hendog said:
Just like the title states, what is a good boost to put in front of a 5:50 to get a good Metal tone without destroying the beauty of the amps tone?


Can this amp do metal on it's own with the right settings?

Geez Hendog - I've seen you ask the same question here before plus on TPG and you own a Mark V don't ya.
This issue has been covered at nauseum here - do a search :mrgreen:

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