What are you pushing the front end of your MV with?

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phyrexia - :lol:

I tried a BB Preamp but it really doesn't do much for me. It's all in there without the pedals.
I'm really surprised to see anyone needing to push the front of a Mark V with anything. The amp is perfectly capable of doing everything on its own.

I used to push my RKII with a Barber tone press but with the V I haven't had the need. I have since traded the Tone press for a Carl martin compressor which has worked even better with the RKII. Since aquiring the V, I realize that I was trying to make the RKII sound like the V. I will eventually try pedals in front but so far I am extremely happy with the amp staight up.
Neptical said:
The amp is perfectly capable of doing everything on its own.

nope, not exactly-I am using my setup for a different flavor altogether-it sounds good on its own,but in my situation, the fulltone in front of chan. 1 is puuuurfect for the stuff I am playin'-I can come close in chan 2/crunch,but its not quite the deal (warning!we are talkin' tele and a lot of Nashvegas like stuff,with some T Petty-ish Americana rock stuff thrown in-it just jells nicely with my Anderson)...whatever it takes,my brothas...not so much for "pushing"...its a differnt color/frequency thang :)can you dig?
lesterpaul said:
Neptical said:
The amp is perfectly capable of doing everything on its own.

nope, not exactly-I am using my setup for a different flavor altogether-it sounds good on its own,but in my situation, the fulltone in front of chan. 1 is puuuurfect for the stuff I am playin'-I can come close in chan 2/crunch,but its not quite the deal (warning!we are talkin' tele and a lot of Nashvegas like stuff,with some T Petty-ish Americana rock stuff thrown in-it just jells nicely with my Anderson)...whatever it takes,my brothas...not so much for "pushing"...its a differnt color/frequency thang :)can you dig?

Thats a little differant. Your trying to color the sound so to speak not really push it.

Just like I was messing with gilmore tones tonight, it can get sort of Gilmorish but I can tell it needs stuff up front to color it right and nail it. Although the cleans on channel 1 with my boomerang chorus delay, and reverb I can nail with my DG20 equipped strat.

Shine on Brothers!
back from the dead.

mainly asking this for people who have used both a TS-9 and OCD v4 as a boost.

I have a TS-9 that i'm using now and like it. I've heard good (and some less good) things about the OCD v4, but the demos that I've seen online are just using the OCD as an overdrive, not as a clean boost.

Has anyone here used both the TS9 and OCD as a boost on their mark v?

I've heard that the OCD is more transparent, but can be muddy compared to the tube screamer.


I could see someone using a pedal to color the tone a bit but not "pushing" the front end. The Mark V is already very compressed and has more than enough saturation.
Hello from England.
Try setting the 3 channels to taste at say 45 watts, then totally max out the overall output
and switch everything to 90 watts,then control the whole lot from your guitar's volume and tone controls (because it's not a dark art - it's what they are designed for).
Leave all pedals and attendant fairy - dust out of the equation - it's heavenly.
This won't work for bedroom enthusiasts and those with sensitive hearing but live at the gig - which is the natural habitat of any Mark series amplifier it is the business.
Try your next rehearsal with just a lead - go on astound yourself - drive the front end ?
This will propel you.
zilla said:
back from the dead.

mainly asking this for people who have used both a TS-9 and OCD v4 as a boost.

I have a TS-9 that i'm using now and like it. I've heard good (and some less good) things about the OCD v4, but the demos that I've seen online are just using the OCD as an overdrive, not as a clean boost.

Has anyone here used both the TS9 and OCD as a boost on their mark v?

I've heard that the OCD is more transparent, but can be muddy compared to the tube screamer.



I had an OCD 4 for a while and don't think it's that great for a clean boost (never tried w/the Mark V but with other amps). It didn't really have enough clean gain. An SHO or one of the AC or RC boosters might be nice if you want a real clean or slightly clean boost. I actually used a Boss Blues Driver for years as a clean boost--tons of gain and the tone control was great for shaping the frequency of the boost for more bite if needed. (Actually used to run my BD-2 INTO my OCD which was pretty badass.)
Since I started this thread I've been using a Flat-Mids Fulldrive II on the second channel and I'm really enjoying the results, particularly with single coils and P90's equipped guitars. Sometimes use it on the third channel as well but not often.
Also, I just picked up a Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor and it sounds great with the Mark V!! I'm using it in sustain mode and I'm loving it!! Pretty much leaving it on all of the time. It doesn't color the tone and it's not noisy either, it just seems to make things more "present".......
I have to agree, the MK5 does not need a boost.. the sound itself is already tight enough and higher/mid oriented therefore using e.g a TS808 does not help the sound at all..actually, now that i htink of it the MK5 sounds very close to what i got when i boosted my 5150 with a ts808 but with more cut I'd say.. you won't hear or feel any real difference using a boost to push the mk5..
the BB stomp, OCD and other work perfectly with ch1 and ch2.. I seriously consider getting a BOSS Power stack 2 to pair with the ch1 to get more of those fatter plexi sounds or probably a weehbo plexdrive for even more.. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg5HLdYBskM damn you Pete Thorn!
K-Roll said:
I have to agree, the MK5 does not need a boost.. the sound itself is already tight enough and higher/mid oriented therefore using e.g a TS808 does not help the sound at all..actually, now that i htink of it the MK5 sounds very close to what i got when i boosted my 5150 with a ts808 but with more cut I'd say.. you won't hear or feel any real difference using a boost to push the mk5..

Well, everybody's different. I hear a BIG difference when I boost mine, but that's because I keep the channel gains relatively low so there's more room to go up from there. But if you keep things pretty saturated from the outset, I can see where a boost won't make much difference.
I agree.

i can hear a very noticeable difference when I'm on ch 3 extreme mode and i kick in the TS (gain 0, level max, tone 11-1 o'clock). I have the gain set around 1-2 o'clock and it kind of fills in the sound and adds a bit of warmth.

Ch 2 is awesome with the TS. Ch 1 is great to push the gain just into breakup mode.

I'm really interested in hearing what an OCD is like with the mkv
I use a Boss Compressor..for even MORE sustain without ruining the Boogie tone.. Not too mush squish though I run all the knobs at 12:00 except the level which is up about 3:00 works great for me...This is for boost and clean leads in chan 1 and insane sing on 2 and 3..
phyrexia said:
I am using this guy right here. I have had it for a very long time and it creates this exceptional natural overdrive...


:mrgreen: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I really love the fact that in the background is the iPad with the Boogie Board open to post that reply!

It's pretty amazing how you don't need an OD with this amp. All the gain you need is in the treble knob (and the mid to an extent) and presence even.

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