Weird effects loop problem. (Feedback loop)

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Mar 4, 2007
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I've isolated every effect I have and used different cabling and etc. etc. etc.

No matter what, whenever I play with any sort of effect in the loop, the second signal gets to the effects return, it starts to ramp up into low-frequency feedback.

I'm not sure what to do, as I just exchanged a broken Single Rectifier for this, supposedly, working Single Rectifier.

Has anyone has this problem? I just changed the tubes -- no dice.
I had the same problem with my Solo 50 head, with a BOSS DD20 in the loop....

It didn't do the feedback loop thing on all settings, but many it did.

I've become resigned to not using the effects loop unfortunately....
I don't use my loop anymore, either. It seems the loops in these amps aren't all too sweet. I've had feedback and microphonic issues that no tube could tame. I just run straight into my amp these days, it sounds better, oddly enough. Then again, I don't go too heavy on the FX, so it's not too big a deal to me.
You have to tweak. I have learned fast if I wanted a plug and play amp I should have gotten a line 6.

What is do want is a killer tube amp, but you have to set them up. I am using a Gmajor and with the delays on it scrreched at me a little. I played with the input outputs and volumes along with a tad bit of the gate on and I am good to go. Dont give up on it.