Hey, I've bought Mesa Dual Rectifier quite a time ago, about six months from now. As I live in Poland our ground voltage is 220V, so I have to use the transformer so that the amp won't break before I have a chance to hit any note. Everything works fine I guess, the amp has its moods and sometimes it plays really well, but there are days that it sounds very crappy, but as far as I'm concerned it's the matter of dumb user, not the amp.
The issue is different, every time I turn on the transformer and then turn the amp itself on there's a strange buzz sound. It's literally like "bzzz". What got me concerned is that it was always kinda long, like 0,5 half sec - a "bzzzzzzz zzz" coming out of the amp while turning it on. I didn't really give a **** as amp works as it was scheduled to work and after boosting it with the OD-3 my mind is blown by the weight of gain and bass.
What concerns me is that since yesterday the sound changed, there's only quick "bzz" while turning it on. Is this normal and is it any kind of danger to the amp?
The issue is different, every time I turn on the transformer and then turn the amp itself on there's a strange buzz sound. It's literally like "bzzz". What got me concerned is that it was always kinda long, like 0,5 half sec - a "bzzzzzzz zzz" coming out of the amp while turning it on. I didn't really give a **** as amp works as it was scheduled to work and after boosting it with the OD-3 my mind is blown by the weight of gain and bass.
What concerns me is that since yesterday the sound changed, there's only quick "bzz" while turning it on. Is this normal and is it any kind of danger to the amp?