weight of a 20/20 vs 2:90

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2006
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i have a 20/20,and looking at getting a 2:90.
how much does the 2:90 compared to the 20/20 weight.
a ton :shock:

Is it so difficult to look at mesa s site and see the weights ?

:evil: :evil:
are the weight specs posted on the site? from memory i have never found em
well it is very heavy. im not sure how heavy the 20/20 is, but im guessing the 2:90 is alot heavier
I can remember where I saw it but 2.90 = 35 kilos
20.20 = maybe 15-18 kilos
WOW 35kg???? are u sure its not 35lb? 35kg is like half the weight of a person... almost
yes I am shure 35 kilos
Old model = 31 kilos

You mean a very small person !

I don't know the exact weight but I actually just switched down to a 20/20 for that reason. It is MUCH lighter which I need over the options that the 2:90 provides.

I just went into the bathroom to weigh the 2:90 on my bathroom scale and it read 27lbs. I would weight my 20/20 but it's all loaded into the case.

Hope that helps...
its sounds like its double the weight of the 20/20.
looking at getting one,just did'nt know if my back could take it.

thanks guys
you can build muscles running at your backyard with it !
I always carry my rack over my 4X4 cab.
those are some pretty small speakers you got in your cab sombra

i just wish that MESA would hurry up and send me my sombraxis :p

I'm not the person to answer that. It is powerful as the "headroom" is higher.

I would need to sit down and A/B them really for some time to give you a proper response.

I actually did not sit around long enough with the different modes in the 2:90 and there wasn't anything when I would shuffle through that made me say wow this is totally different but that might be more my lack of sensitivity to shades of tone. If I had retubed with some other tubes maybe I would have noticed more....

I am awaiting my 2X12 Genz Benz that I just got off ebay and I'll be doing some major tweaking on my rig at that point....It's been along time since I have been up and running.


20/20 = 14 lbs

2:90 = 35 lbs

See the Mesa Boogie PRONET PRice Guide for Feb 2006, it lists all of the weight and dimensions towards the end of the guide.
Holy crap 35kg!!!! That's like 77 lbs. My 2:90 was heavy, but it wasn't that heavy! Mesa/Boogie is a USA company, and their specs are in inches and pounds, though I wish they weren't. I hate our measurement systems. Metric is SO much easier. Everything is based on 10 instead of:

8 ounces in a cup (or 16 ounces in a pound)
2 cups in pint
2 pints in a quart
4 quarts in a gallon
12 inches in a foot
3 feet in a yard
5,280 feet in a mile
and let's not forget all those **** fractions like 3/8" or 13/16"

What the hell were they smoking when they came up with this crap? Unfortunately it's far to ingrained in American culture to change to metric like the rest of the world, although someday I hope we do. Anyway... the Boogie product guide is on their website and it has unboxed measurements and weights for all of thier products (although it hasn't yet been updated with the stiletto ace or roadster specs). Here's the URL:


I wish they would post the Pro Net price list too. Their prices are always the same, so I don't see why they don't.

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