Weak reverb w/ Roadster head

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New member
Jan 24, 2013
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Hey guys!

First post here... and hoping to get some ideas for solving the problem I'm having.

Bought a used Roadster head. All is good so far except the reverb is extremely weak. I guessing it should be much more saturated....

Preamp tube?

I take it its weak on all channels?
Another couple things to check-
are the leads from amp to the reverb tank securly connected?, are they plugged in the right way round?
if you (lighty) tap the reverb tank does it make a sound through the speakers?
Hey! Thanks for the tips and warm welcome!

So, replaced the preamp tube and didn't notice any significant change.

Bummer. Was hoping this might be a easy fix :/

Time to check the connections and after that... I guess that next thing to do is to replace the whole tank?

The reverb is weak over all channels. Still present, just extremely weak. I mean... when the reverb is turned up all the way it should be pretty damn saturated and at a decent volume, yes?

I am not confident enough to check the connections myself so I'm probably going to take to a local guy and have him check it out.

Anyone have any suggestions for getting a replacement reverb tank at below painful cost?

Thanks again!