The current draw(bias) will drift as the tubes age.This is just my opinion,I think Mesa sets the bias on the cold side for liability reasons,if the current drifts higher there is less likelyhood that anything will fry causing Mesa to be responsible.Whenever somebody sells you tubes that "match" your amps bias instead of biasing the tubes in the circuit,it is a very general "match",there is a lot of latitude so the tubes will be "safe" in that particular amp but wont neccesarilly sound their best.Why does your tech need the amp for 2 weeks to perform the adjustable bias mod?It doesnt take more than 10 minutes to do this mod.You just replace one resistor with an adjustable cermet pot and set the bias when you change the tubes.It is a very worthwile mod,allows you to use whatever tubes you want,I dont know what your tech is gonna charge you for this mod but I have never charged more than $20 to do it and have done it for free many times when changing tubes for someone,makes it easier on me so I can bias whatever tubes the guy wants to use and they will sound and perform their best,not just safely.I would find somebody that can do it for you,you wont be sorry.