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eltrain858 said:
Martin said:
what I have written is what I have found to be true
i find that type of information immensely more valuable than someone regurgitating a partially incorrect account of some review they skimmed over and passing it off as their expert experience instead of just posting a link to the reference

I guess this is a shot at me (?) but none of my posts in this thread have been half-understood regurgitation of anything. Most of the facts I have put forth come from discussions I've had with 4 friends who have electrical engineering degrees and are musicians (2 of them audiophiles and designers of high-end audio equipment). While I was regurgitating, I understand it ;).

Personally, I believe first-hand opinions on the subject of high-end audio tweaks very little, because I know how much of it is placebo. Many people who truly believe they hear a difference between a $30 cable and a $500 cable are the same folks who really believe they hear a difference made by a $13,000 power cable, through which no sound passes, and quantum dots. These folks really believe it, but it is because they expect to hear a difference.

In any case, all of my posts in this thread have been made not to boost my ego, but to inform some fellow musicians that they may not be spending their money wisely. I am a proponent of being a critical consumer; people are out to swindle you now as much as they were a hundred years ago, and I'd like people to at least consider both points of view and make their own choice based on what they hear with their own ears. If you decide you want a really expensive cable, and you can afford it, I'm all for being happy with your music.

I actually do agree with you, there are a lot of sharks out there selling complete lies. However, there are also some that don't.

I gotta be honest and say that changing cables has made a difference for me but you have to keep it in perspective. I'm not sure what peoples expectations are ?... if someone is looking for a total night and day difference I doubt they'll find it, what you will get however is a % improvement.

What I have found is a difference in definition, authority and a more defined bottom end, just an over all improvement.

I didn't go and spend tons of cash though, I used high end cable that a friend of mine back in the UK sourced for me and I terminated the cables myself.

What I ended up with was something that was affordable for me to build but probably not if I was buying it.

I would be interested to compare them to these new pricey cables that are now available to see if there is indeed any difference.... I can say that the ones I have are better than monster etc in my opinion but that's just me !
I'm not arguing with you, Martin. You've made up your mind based on your own observations, and that's exactly what I think people should do. I was just replying to Eltrain's assertion that I'm just spouting some half-understood nonsense that I read somewhere to make myself sound knowledgable. In hindsight, maybe such a childish comment didn't warrant a response.

Anyway, back to Mesa-related discussion, I say.
dude, (1) it wasn't just directed at you, it was a very general statement (reaching well beyond this thread) but yes, you were included in the scope; and (2) i basically agreed with your point, just not the way in which you said it...

Livingston said:
Resistance is not the same thing as impedance. Sadly, you are misinformed.
that's pretty condescending and authoritative-sounding in my opinion, even if you are "putting forth facts" to "inform" us... :roll:

sure, you went back and corrected the other post to say capacitance, and yes resistance and impedance are not technically the same thing, but to me it seemed like you jumped on someone for reading your post properly and responding to the incorrect term you used.. it certainly came off as half-understood to me, but apparently that makes me childish.

i find that scientists and engineers are often required to simplify questions and make assumptions in order to make an effective argument (it's reeeally hard to account for all the factors in the universe when considering a problem..), and our understanding of basic natural principles is constantly under revision, so i'm hesitant to believe a simple scientific explanation for anything (i'm a scientist and struggle with this everyday). also as a non-physicist/engineer i don't think i would be able to fully evaluate and understand a complicated mathematical explanation. that's one reason i'm inclined to take first-hand opinions into consideration.

i'm not saying you should stake your life on people's personal accounts and observations, as they can be quite subjective, but i still find them valuable.. anyway, first-hand opinions on the subject of high-end audio tweaks aren't necessarily always in the affirmative.. wouldn't you find it valuable if someone whose opinion/ear you trusted did a double-blind test and couldn't tell the difference between a $10 cable and a $1000 cable?

and apparently i'm not the only one who finds primary source information valuable:

stratplayer said:
fastredponycar...thanks man for posting the link to the mp3 with cable comparisons. I have never been able to notice a really significant tone difference with the highend stuff and decent cables. Really appreciate it!
no physics necessary! :D

so now that i've had the last (childish) word, let's get back to agreeing on the important issues :lol: :lol: :lol:
You're right that I was a bit condescending. Sometimes people are condescending when they argue about (relatively) meaningless stuff on the internet. I bet you are sometimes too. :)

Resistance is important in speaker cables, which is why I said resistance originally. Usually this debate comes up in stereo conversations, rather than in reference to musical instruments. In the case of instrument cables, capacitance is what matters. This wasn't me not understanding, and it wasn't incorrect with regard to speaker cables.

Your last remark doesn't make any sense really, since posting an mp3 with which we can make up our own minds is not at all the same as telling someone your opinion.

But anyway, I think we can all agree that this debate is played out. What sort of tubes should I put in my Quad?
Livingston, I didn't think for one second that we were arguing. I definately know where you are coming from.