VOX AD30VT - Best modeling amp I've heard!!

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Greenville. SC
I jammed with a friend of mine with my new VOX and had to write up a quick overview of my thoughts. IT SOUNDED AMAZING. Read on...

When I first turned it on and started going through the amp models it just sounded OK. The presets all had a lot of bass and treble in them. Well I started dialing out the treble and bass and it sounded MUCH more natural and organic. I had the bass almost all the way down for some amp models. So, THEN, I turned the power knob on the back down and cranked the master volume and THAT'S when it started sounding REALLY good. What is cool is that in manual mode, once you set the EQ, volume, etc, to your liking, you can just switch amp models and the other settings all remain the same! So, once you make one amp sound like you think it should, the rest of the amp models sound just as good!

So, anyway, we played for a while and then took a break. Well, we came back and I had rolled the volume on the guitar back a little before we started playing and THAT was the final step in order to make the amp just sound SUPER LIQUIDY! The amp uses some technology that cuts power to the speaker to emulate the dynamics of a tube amp and they did a REALLY good job with it. Rolling back the volume on the guitar really adds some beautiful dynamics. All positions on my White JP sounded phenomenal and very different with each amp model. And the effects on the amp are just as good as a Line 6's.

The optional footswitch was definitely very useful too for it's channel switching and effect bypass. The amp is a keeper for sure! You ALL need to try one out. Just remember to tweak it like I did and it will sound phenomenal!

Here is a video demo of the amp. Some people think the video's creators did some 'studio magic' with the sound to make it sound so good, but I think it is spot on to the tone of the amp if you know how to tweak it!

Take a look:
A friend of mine has got a Vox AD120VTX (Blue Series) and it sounds amazing! Best modeling amp ever tried for me. I tried also a newer AD100VT (Chrome Series) in a store and wasn't impressed at all... maybe I just hadn't the time to tweak it right.
Best Modeling amp: Roland cube 60 you just won't believe it a solid state the 5150 (Metal) sound like a tube amp, try one.
I had the Vox, I like it. A friend has it now so I still use it. Try cranking the Master Volume as you stated AND cranking the Volume that is next to the Gain knob. This brings the tube into play more. They have the tube configured as an output amplifier which is the secret to the success of the amp. Then you can adjust the over all volume with the small knob on the back and set your Gain to taste. I got an amazing sound out of the AC15 channel this way, very touch sensitive and grindy-sweet.

If you read the reviews of this amp on Harmony Central you will see a high number of amp failures under duress. This is a great home practice amp or for jams where the drummer controls their volume. I played a show where I was provided with the 50 watt 1-12 version of this amp and the other guitar player used one like yours. It went silent halfway through the second set. Had to be sent back on warranty, it was dead!! So be careful cranking it up. It is also sensitive to being near a computer, especially one that is connected to the internet. Make some weird alien noises sometimes. Just move it away from the computer and it will stop.
btw do you know if the new XL series is supposed to be a line of overally inferior products compared to the "Blue Series"? Or are they really the same just with a more over-the-top overdrive?
The XL is just a modified version of the standard AD with more high-gain amp models and fewer clean models. It also adds an octave effect.

I've read several reviews of the amp dying as well... I'll have to go to MF and purchase the gold coverage to add two more years to the warranty...
hey man, just letting you know, i've had my amp for probably a year and a half to two and have had no problems with it. however, i only use it as a bedroom practice amp and have only cranked it once (when my DR was in the shop...used it for band practice). so depending how much that extra warranty is, and how hard you're going to use the amp, you may or may not want to get it.

oh and btw, i used the tremonti wah at a gig this weekend. all i have to say is...AWESOME. loved it.
Glad to hear it!

Unfortunately, the amp is going back to MF. The thiele I just shipped arrived with a loose speaker (thanks to UPS)!!! I have to give a refund to the buyer and thus must return the amp to be able to do a refund (used the funds from the thiele to buy the amp). I should get reimbursed by UPS in a week or two once the claim is approved and they cut a check... This is the SECOND time this same thing has happened btw. Makes me want to use USPS and see how they treat their packages. Would probably save me some money on shipping anyhow...

BTW, jtb, I've got a cover on the way that was going to be for my AD30VT if you are interested in it! I bought it for $32 shipped. I'll sell it to you for $30 shipped and paypaled. I won't even open the box when it arrives. Should be here any day now... Let me know if you are interested in it...

That sucks man. I've never had any probs with either UPS or USPS before. Granted the only thing I've really shipped from a gear standpoint is an Ibanez 7 string in it's case and surrounded by balled newspaper and a few pedals.

Maybe try USPS? It is a lot cheaper than UPS from what I've found.

Are you giving the customer a partial refund? Or are they sending back the cabinet and both of you are getting a full refund?
Both of us are getting a refund. I'll prob fix the cab and either keep it or sell it... It will be like it was 'free' if the damage is not too bad...
I quit using UPS's some time ago. I've had much better luck with Fedex. Good luck getting your check from UPS in a timely manner.

As for the Valvetronix, I agree they're about as good as it gets when it comes to the modelers. I had the AD60VT and sold it when I decided I wasn't going to play electrics anymore the last time. :) Then when I got back into it again not too long ago I tried every modeler I could get my hands on. Roland, Line-6, etc. and went with the Vox AD50VT.

Someone else mentioned the Rolands and I liked those as well, but just liked the Vox's a little more overall. Wish I could hear a Tech-21. I've read they're pretty good. The one I really wanted to like was the new Line-6 that is supposed to have the amp section designed by Bogner. It had a number of glowing reviews that got me all excited, but when I heard it for myself it was a major let down. Harsh and hard sounding IMO. Actually I'm a little surprised Bogner would put his name on it.

Anyhow, it wasn't long until I found myself longing for a real tube amp again and the AD50VT went back. I tried a grunch of the smaller combo's, even took a Fender DRRI home, but returned it the next day. Eventually I would up with my F30 and couldn't be happier.

Modeler's are cool, but you just can't beat the real deal with good effects, even if just for home use. That's my five cents worth.

Oh yeah, so sorry to hear about your bad luck. Hoefully everything will work out for the best in the end.
Yeah, everything worked out fine! UPS paid me and I ended up repairing the thiele myself and selling it again. All is well!
I love these things too. I was unable to talk a friend out of a line six spider 2 for a vox. Oh well. The sales person could have even taken more off the vox than the spiders which are normally marked to the ground.
Let me add my support to these amps too. I picked up an AD100VT two weeks ago to be used both as a home practice amp, and as something that i could easily throw in the trunk of the car for smaller jam sessions rather than dragging my main rig around. I haven't used it for the latter yet but i've really been enjoying it for home use. I was looking for versatility and the 11 modelled amps give me lots of flavours to play with. Apparently the (unfortunately named) NUMETAL setting is modelled after the Recto and while it's certainly nowhere near as good, it is a serviceable facsimile and gives me a pretty sick metal tone for practice. The variable wattage dial is pretty neat as well and keeps my girlfriend and neighbors happy while still letting me drive the tube as much as possible.

I've been able to coax some very nice metal tones out of it but as was mentioned it is quite sensitive to other electronics and can get pretty noisy on high-gain settings, even with the noise suppressor on. For home use it's not a big deal though considering i got the thing for $350 used.

Money well spent as far as i'm concerned. It fit my budget and my needs quite nicely.
TheRazMeister said:
+1 on the Vox....I have the Blue AD60VTX which I LOVE and the desktop Tonelab. My Rectoverb only leaves the house for gigs now.

I had the 120vth head for a while, sounds astonishingly huge with a GE7 (or any EQ) in the loop, liked it a lot but moved it on for a spider valve in the end. The blue ones are much better quality.
I agree about the Vox modelers. I think they have the most realistic tone. They don't have a million models or tons of effects. They just sound really good!

I also don't like dealing with UPS much just because they really screwed up my last two package orders and couldn't find the delivery address, which is the college I work at and they deliver to everyday anyway. I think my problem is been soley on the incompetency of the driver and not the fault of the company but of course...they did hire him!

Two times I have had to drive to the main distribution center to pick up my packages and that doesn't make me too happy to drive 20 miles both ways for something that I paid to have delivered right to me.
I've a lot of experience with line6 amps and I can tell you this. The people who design and build them have strange ideas about sounds. The local line6 dealer here let me have a vetta II combo brand new for less than half price and threw in the big floorboard for free because I really hated the way it sounded but wanted to go digital due to options. Well long story short after playing and tweaking for about an hour it sounded really nice. I had no problem dialing out the harshness and was a pretty happy camper for a few weeks.

It's amazing that they can create this thing which is a pretty decent tonemachine and have ALL factory presets sound like crap.

But they are having the same problems with durability as vox, this stuff is really badly built using cheap chinese parts. No wonder the company is grossing out. IMHO the vetta is worth about one third of its price.
I just picked up one of these little amps for home/backyard use and I have to admit, it puts out some nice tones. After searching for a little practice amp for awhile, (I've had and returned the Line6 Spider III 30 and the Roland Cube 30), I think I can finally rest. I really dig the boutique models and the boutique OD reminds me of my MarkIV with lower gain. The numetal setting is pretty heavy as well.

The things I like best about this amp is how "un-muddy" it sounds and the fact that, with the power attenuator, you can actually use the volume(s). I also owned a Subway Rocket and a Blues Junior, but couldn't really turn up the level, which was limiting for home use.

Having a closed back gives it nice bass response as well.

I highly recommend this little combo for home use, but if I were to get one for band use, I would probably step up to the AD50 and maybe an extension cab.

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