Volume pedal?

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is the Morely active? If you were to give it a review what would it be? I've been having a hard time decided on a volume pedal model, and i really need one.
As far as I know its not active,it is power because it controls the amount of volume by where the light beam inside it is being cut off(or sumthin to that effect),it is truely a great volume pedal as it has the minimum volume control which you can set so if you knock it mid solo say,there will still be volume there(as much as you like) and will give you enough time to step on it and get back to full volume,
Because it is not using potentiometers you will never need to replace them,you will never get any crackle etc,it is very very very smooth,add some delay and ohh boy,it is sweet

I really do love this pedal
The treadle is huge which is a big plus becuase there is alot of room and is great when wearing utility boots etc.

it is really a great pedal,it doesnt just turn up/down your volume it is probably thee most advanced volume pedals go,the ernie balls are also very good but can wear out after a couple of years

it looks good as well
if its good enough for vai,its good enough for me :D
ohh and this is my 700th post yipee
Could you conceivably use a volume pedal as a hot plate? A way to get the tone from running the tubes hot but controlling the volume?
richey said:
Could you conceivably use a volume pedal as a hot plate? A way to get the tone from running the tubes hot but controlling the volume?
I dont think it would act the same because the hotplate/attenuator sits between the head and the speaker and changes any the energy not being used into heat,so if you have the amp cranked,the tone of the cranked amp with come through but the power will be changed to heat

If you had your amp cranked and had a volume pedal in then when you bring the volume down there would most probably be a heck of alot of hum and noise ,like rolling your guitar volume back,the volume and gain is not as intense but the noise that is normally covered by overdrive/distortion tends too bleed through more clearly

another factor is that you would be using your vol. pedal before the amp,so when you reduce the volume you are in fact reducing the power of the signal goin to the amp/preamp so the signal wont really distort that well if you get my drift
weaker signal demands most gain/volume to saturate=alot of noise

It doesnt really work that well

Ebow + V.Pedal makes for some interesting violin type tones. V.Pedals are also good for Holdsworth-esque chord swells, just add plenty of delay and chorus. ;)
richey said:
Could you conceivably use a volume pedal as a hot plate? A way to get the tone from running the tubes hot but controlling the volume?
The pedal could not handle sitting between power output and speakers, with some loud playing for a giving time however it would make a nice foot warmer. :p
All joking aside even if the pedal could handle the power without difficulty, you would be introducing a new source of resistance and change the impedance that the power amp sees.
Most likely not the greatest thing for the amp but also you would notice your tone change a bit depending how you use the pedel.
Platypus said:
Always curious why people used volume pedals.. anyone care to share what they do with theirs other than swells?

Just listen to Vai's 'Whispering a Prayer' to hear the dynamic flexibility a volume pedal can produce.
Platypus said:
Always curious why people used volume pedals.. anyone care to share what they do with theirs other than swells?

I also use mine as a global cut off to change guitars are if there are any quite bits in the song I will use this

like say in Toto's hold the line in the chorus...."hold the line" there is silence,when your using a high gain recto dampning the strings doesnt always work

I never used to use my vol. in my originals band I only really use it in my functions band,I used to do alot of swells with the guitar volume
I think the Dunlop GCB-80 High Gain Volume Pedal is better than both the Ernie Ball or Little Alligator.

It's passive (no power needed), you can adjust the min volume level (I keep it at 60%), has zero tone suck, is noiseless, tough and is only $US60. If you locate the Vol pedal last in your chain it will adjust volume but not the gain from any pedals before it.

Adjusting your volume for solo's etc on stage is very inaccurate and awkward if you only use your guitar volume pot. If you're soley a rhythm player you probably don't need one :D
putting it after you pedals would probably help it not muddy your sound like turning down your volume knob on the guitar does. It also wouldn't load down your pickups as much as long as one of the pedals has a buffer.
It depends on how you use the volume pedal. My setup prior had a series effects loop and that would completely cut my volume or signal to the power amp section when I had the volume pedal in the loop. The Volume pedal that I use is the Mutron Wah/Volume.. which is powered... and it does change my tone.

Now that I am using a parallel loop w/ a two channel Triple Rec, I don't have my loop send/receive at 50% my send is at 60% and return is at 45%, so I don't get complete silence... I use the volume pedal for volume effects and it does smooth out with delays and E-Bows and stuff. It does some stuff that I can't do with my volume knob on my guitar because I have to pick the notes or trying to get the smoothness of crescendo with the pedal.

The Ernie Ball and the Vox are pretty cool too... BTW.
If you run a volume pedal before other pedals, it needs to be high-impedance like a Boss FV-500H that services instrument level signals, otherwise low such as the Boss FV-500L.
I bought a ernie ball volume pedal and it totally took away from my tone so I sold it right away..

Dont like em dont want em
My personal favorite volume pedal would have to be the ernie ball pedal.

Though one would be simple enough to wire up if you have a crybaby or similar housing.
Excuse my ignorance, but cold one also use a Boost pedal in a similar way? My understanding is that volume and boost pedals in principle are the same function presented differently (I know boosts can come in flavors for high boost, or mid boost or whatever - but EQ being, uhm equal i guess)
i just Bought a Ernie Ball volume pedal and its seems to me that its almost just as easy to roll back the volume knob than to use the pedal. Not sure it was worth the 100 bucks
if you put in a 500K pot in the EB pedal and bypassed your volume in the guitar you wouldn't loose any tone. I'd probably bypass the EB pot wiht a cap
I like the EBJ cause it has a true bypass tuner out line, and I can tune with my Strobostomp with the volume pedal down.
It is well made, and I have giged with mine for at least four years now with no problem whatsoever.
Nice addition to any pedalboard in my opinion.


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