Volume difference between 2ch recto & 3ch recto

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Jul 14, 2007
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Sounds like a stupid question but it is a situation I'm currently experiencing. I have a 2ch recto and my co-guitarist has a 3ch recto and he has a lot more volume at his disposal. We have all the same settings - bold, high power, channel volume, loops engaged etc. I'm using a mesa cab with V30 and he is using a mesa cab with C90's. Only difference is that I'm running 6l6 vs el34's.

Could there be an issue with my head or is this a normal occurance with the different models of recto's? Anyfeedback appreciated.

Are your send knobs at the same level? I wouldn't think the different tubes would make THAT big of a difference, but maybe so. What if you swap tubes? Then what? If he is running your tubes and you run his, is his still louder?
Yes, send levels are the same, might try the tube swap and see what happens. I thought there may have been a general known fact about different ouput levels between models.
Same guitars and pups too ?? Your power tubes could be old and tired, and preamp tubes vary greatly in their output too which makes a big difference. FWIW std M/B tubes tend to be pretty high output, pre and power. What tubes do you both have ?
My 3 channel Dual Rec is a monster with its overall volume as well. My Roadster sounds good and gets loud but the Dual Rec stomps its a$$ when it comes to overall loudness.

And I have done all the tube swaps and that dont matter. Just the nature of the beast!