Vocal Harmonizers

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2007
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Anyone have experience with these? Been looking at a Digitech unit that sure sounded awesome with a solo guitar player. Not sure how it would work in a band situation though.
my acoustic partner has one-I was pleasantly surprised-we do a 2 man gig and it didnt sound as "cheap" as I thought it would-if it is used too much, it could be a problem, but it did the job-thought I wouldnt dig it, but I am cool with it(we even did "Stuck on You" by .....Lionel Richie!!!!what a cheesy moment that was, but the harmonizer really helped out..I **** sure couldnt sing any harmony to that...whatinthehell are the words,anyway..??)as always, try to demo-in terms of a full band, me not knowing, but it was a pleasant surprise(aint nuthin like the real thing,though :) )
I was using a Digitech Vocalist Live 2 until very recently, in a band situation they are useless, at rehearsal levels the spill from my amps, the bass amps and the drums would send the unit nuts, I ended up sounding like a Smurf on helium.
Waste of time but ideal if you play acoustically (if you do, why are on this forum reading this?)
We use 2 VL4's with great success. Run a seperate line from my rack mixer into the my VL4 then jump to the bass player/lead singers VL4 so my guitar is providing the chords/keys for both units.

Trick is to make sure the guitar volume is turned off on the VL4's.
NED: I play in a 5 piece (2 elec guitar, bass, drums, keys). We play loud rock-hard rock. Do you think the vocalist 2 works in this kind of situation or is there simply too much noise on stage? And will it track a bass guitar (was thinking of having the bass player use it), or does it need to run through a regular guitar?

BLACK IRISH: have you used the Electro Harmonix product or were you just sending the link?

Thanks guys. I've heard these with acoustic players and it sounds great. Just curious how it works with a loud band and any tips on setup.
I just purchased the new Electro Harmonix Voice Box. I was expecting a 50-50 shot at liking it in a rock band situation, but our first rehearsal with it went well. When the band is playing, **** if it doesn't sound like you just added another vocalist to the band that hits the harmonies as good as you hit your note. Lots of options to choose which harmony you want and how much you wanted blended in to the mix, reverb, even make it sound more male or female. I think this thing's a keeper. Didn't have any issues with bleed through on other mic's or instruments in the band, sounds pretty natural, and although it says it relies on the your guitar (or other instrument) to set the key so to speak, seemed to work just acapella too. Weird. What it doesn't really like is your voice slowly traveling from one note to the next - you have to be on your note and hit it.