Video: Playing my EBMM through my 2 channel Dual Recto.

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Random Hero

Well-known member
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
London, England
I uploaded four videos of me playing today, more to demonstrate the lead tone more than anything else.
Playing is ropey, but check it. I'll update the thread as the other vids actually get "processed" by YouTube.

Vid 1:

Vid 2:

Vid 3:

Vid 4:
Very nice tones!

Could I ask you to share your settings? Channel? Mode? Rectification? Etc....

All this talk of 2 Channel rectos is making me want to get one :?
Random Hero said:
I uploaded four videos of me playing today, more to demonstrate the lead tone more than anything else.
Playing is ropey, but check it. I'll update the thread as the other vids actually get "processed" by YouTube.

Vid 1:

Vid 2:

Nice playing . Very good vibrato there my friend
Thanks for checking them out guys! And thankyou for the compliments.

Lead settings are...


Bass - Noon
Mids 11:30
Treble 1:00
Presence Off
Gain 3:00
Master 10:00

Boosted with Maxon OD808, Gain off, level maxed, tone off.

Rhythm (end of Vid 2)

Bass 11:00
Mids 11:30
Treble 12.30
Presence 9:00
Gain 2:00
Master 10:00
Great sounds and playing man, but HOW THIN ARE THOSE STRINGS??? Looks like i'd go through those in about 10 minutes...i play hard...probably too hard but oh well. :lol: Good stuff though man, great tone..even on a camera mic.

MesaENGR412 said:
Great sounds and playing man, but HOW THIN ARE THOSE STRINGS??? Looks like i'd go through those in about 10 minutes...i play hard...probably too hard but oh well. :lol: Good stuff though man, great tone..even on a camera mic.


Haha... they're 9s.

Thanks for checking it out bro.
nice, pretty smooth lead tones, I wonder if the delay's also help smooth it out a bit too. What delay did you use and where did you have it in your signal chain? Nice sound and playing.
broknstuff said:
nice, pretty smooth lead tones, I wonder if the delay's also help smooth it out a bit too. What delay did you use and where did you have it in your signal chain? Nice sound and playing.

Thanks man.

The delay is from a G-Major, ping pong delay, in the fx loop 8)
All those clips are amazing man, really great tones, if you dont mind me asking i also have a gmajor, could you share with me your settings for compression, noise gate eq etc because im having real trouble "smoothing" out my sound, and yours is amazing!!!!!

If you dont mind, i would really really appreciate it, many thanks,

Random Hero,

Great tone, sweet playing (shredding) & very good sound quality from a video. The best thing about your playing is how smooth it is & your vibrato is killer. My cam corder adds allot of high end & I hate it, but yours is great.

How did you get your playing so smooth ? Practice ? What ? It looks like you have a very lite touch is that the key ?

Nice job !

Hi Random Hero,

Sweet clips my friend. I like your style and you're an accomplished playa! Great tone too - who says Rectos can't play leads (early ones anyway :lol: ). You're G-Major sounds great too - do share the settings, I may well have an experiment with my G-Major. I've not tried a big ping pong delay on a high gain lead sound, and I think it may be a useful patch to have. 8)

Big smiles,

Hey guys, thanks for checking it out, thanks for the comments - and indeed very kind compliments - mercurialuk, UDAMANN, Andy and masque. Much appreciated.

I'll try to address the questions one at a time lol...

Ok first off, my G-Major settings are as follows.

Noise Gate:
NG Mode - Hard
NG Thresh -25dB
NG Damp - 50dB
NG Release - 100dB

I don't use any compression, or EQ from the G-Major at all, I just boost the front end with a Maxon OD808.

Settings for Maxon:
Overdrive: Off
Tone: Off
Level: Max

I find boosting the front end compresses the signal just enough to smooth it out, but retain SOME dymanics.

Delay settings:
Subtype: Ping Pong
DLY dly: 418ms
DLY Tempo: 1/4
DLY Width: 100%
DLY FB: 40%
DLY FBHCut: 12.6kHz
DLY FBLCut: 50.12Hz
DLY Mix: 16%
DLY OutLev: 0%

About my playing, I guess the "smoothness" you might here comes mainly from my two biggest influences heh. John Petrucci and Andy Timmons are both very smooth sounding players - Timmons especially - and I guess it must come through a little in my playing. The fact you can hear that is a HUGE compliment to me, as as you well know, hearing flaws in your own playing is far easier than hearing any strengths you might be perceived to have. Smoothness is something I do aim for, so thankyou again. I really do appreciate the kind comments!
Other than that, I would just say to practice, and try to develop as light of a touch as possible - having said that, my touch is much heavier when i'm playin some vibrato, but I love vibrato!

I guess I also got lucky with the camera, as it's a cheap £20 webcam!

Sorry for the long response guys. Check out those settings and see how you get on with them - let me know what you like/dislike!

These are the best clips I've ever seen posted on a web site. Tone & skill ? Wow ! That's what I've been missing.

Oh yea ! Sweat delay settings.
Hi there,by any chance do you like John Petrucci or even dream theater???hahaha,nice playin man and awsome tone,get more of this stuff up there!!
Thought I would Bump this....pretty **** good example of a REcto + Maxon + gmajor

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