VHT 2-50-2 or 50/50 with my Triaxis?

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Jan 14, 2008
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Hi. I actually have a Mesa Triaxis, with a Peavey Valverb, going through a 50/50 and two 1X12' Mesa Recto.
Though I<m happy with the 50/50, I've heard that the VHT 2-50-2 is a better power amp (I can get a deal on one)

I find my 50/50 to be noisy (even on clean settings), and I would have liked
to try different tubes in it. I love the low-end thump it's got, and the vintage sound to it.

The VHT can be used with el-34, 6l6 or kt77, wich would give me more options, has voicing buttons, class A/AB, depth, presence.
But I don't know
how it sounds, and if it would be an improvement over the 50/50.

So what do you guys think?
What's the differences between the 50/50 and the 2502, and which one you prefer and is suited for which applications.

if you can get a deal on the vht, jump on it. pretty hard to find them used and they are amazing power amps. if you have some extra tubes to put into your 50/50, i'd try that first. but if you have to buy new tubes to try that, just get the vht.
Actually, I've read the VHT forums, and some people use it with 6L6's.
The new models don't have the EL34/6L6 switch inside, because it's been
replaced with a bias trim pot. Some people say it doesn't go cold enough
to use 6L6's, and some actually use them...

I think getting a special graded 6l6' set from Doug'd Tube would work.
I have never used Mesa 50/50 power amp, but do use my TriAxis with the VHT 2502. It has a switch inside for EL34 and 6L6 configuration for each channel.

The VHT 2502 is a clean poweramp with great clarity. It only colours your preamp with whatever power tubes you put into it. I tried EL34L, and KT77 with it. I prefer EL34L.
If your after mark tones the mesa is more accurate but the VHT is a better alrounder and kills the mesa for rock tones.
eagle said:
If your after mark tones the mesa is more accurate but the VHT is a better alrounder and kills the mesa for rock tones.

That's an interesting response. You could infer then that Mesa Mark rock tones are sub-par to other rock tones?
The VHT might be a good amp but my Studio Pre and 50/50 just kills for vintage Dream Theater tone. Tons of low end. Mine is also super quiet. If I were you, I'd just buy some new Boogie tubes and enjoy that great amp.
be aware that the new VHT 2-50-2s do not have anymore the switch to change the type of tubes 6L6 vs EL34 since janvier 2006 or 2007 I don't remember.

anyway I had a triaxis working with a 2-50-2 it sounded good but ... the sound was very straight, metallic, cold.

I changed it for a mesa 50/50 in my opinion it was much better, the sound was warm a lot of low end.

after that it depends on what you are looking for kind of sound ....

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