Varying speaker configuration or buying a cab for full stack

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Jun 8, 2014
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Hi, everyone! :)

This is my first post. I hope this question hasn't been asked already as I couldn't find anything related yet.

Basically, I have a full stack set-up with a Triple Rec. head and two Mesa cabs; one traditional angled and one standard straight.

As you know, both cabs are equipped with Vintage 30 speakers so I've been wanting to get some G12T-75s for their 'scooped mids' tone which a lot of people use to blend with Vintage 30s.

Now, the question is whether I should just get a Marshall cab (those are ready fitted with G12T-75s) or else buy 4 G12T-75s and put them instead of the 4 Vintage 30s in one of my two cabs.

If I go for the new cab option, I know I'd have to match the impedance but what about the wattage of the cab? If a Marshall cab is 280W and my Mesa is 240W, is that a problem?

Thanks! :)
I have a lot of ideas about speaker swaps and combinations. I'd say stick with the Mesa cabs since enclosure has a fairly significant impact on tone. I personally find the G12T 75s to be a bit loose, especially in the low end, since extra volume starts to cause the cones to break up. If you like R&R and really like speaker breakup, the G12T 75s are great. If you want a clearer and tighter tone with a similar sort of a voice, try a Celestion G12K 100. A G12T 100 is also an option if you want something closer to the G12T 75 and I believe Avatar currently has a sale on. 16 ohm speakers. (You'd wire up a 16 ohm cab and an 8 ohm cab and plug them into the 8 and 4 ohm inputs respectively)

You should easily be able to flip a quartet of Made in UK Mesa OEM v30s to make back half of your initial investment. Order speakers from Avatar Speakers for fair pricing.