V1 - V5 Question for Single Rectifier

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Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida
I am new to the board, and have to admit that I do not know that much about the internal workings of the Single Rectifier amps. I have been playing for 20 years and have wanted one for awhile, but have never had the money when one became available.

Anyway, I understand the whole deal with V1-V3 on single channel amps, but can anyone break it down for me as to what V4 and V5 relate to? Are they the lead channel or the rhythm channel preamp slots?

I have pre's to place in all 5 slots, but trying to figure out what would be better suited for each of these slots. By the way, I have had no luck finding a PDF file of the manual for this amp, or I would not even bother you guys with this.

I think I am going to go with SED Winged C's for the power tubes, because this is a series 1 amp, and does not have the option for EL-34's.

After reading over the forum for the last few hours trying to find answers, I think I am going to enjoy it here. Everyone seems very helpful and close knit in their patience and sharing of knowledge.

Hello,, I think the SED's are some of the best for this amp.
The preamps I would stick with all 12ax7's,, a popular current made 12ax7 would be the tung-sol 12ax7 reissues.
You will notice the biggest difference in sound by replacing the v1 spot.
V4 spot is usually your effects loop tube and v5 would be your phase inverter or power tube driver.
You can find your pdf file with all this info, which is also in your manual if you have one at, mesaboogie.com ,, go into products then amps and cabs section and on the left you will see product manuals.
Find your amp and theres the pdf.
Once in the pdf look near the bottom, you will see a diagram of your amp and what each position tube actually does. Good luck
Thanks for the answers. I finally found the manual where you mentioned it would be, I appreciate that advice too! I had looked there last night, but was looking under Single Rectifier (as it stated Dual and Triple....), but I finally found it under "Solo 50 / Rectoverb, Series 1".


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