V-twin rackmount used as pedal?

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Active member
Oct 18, 2007
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Hi there,

I have a V-wtin pedal, but recently replaced it with a rackmount, as I like the stereo option and extra tone possibilities.

My V-twin pedal used to be (I'm selling it) my "secret weapon" to get some great overdrive tones out of amps with mediocre (or no) lead channel. It works best as a pedal, just in front of the amp input. So NOT used as a preamp, connected to the other amps poweramp.

Now I notice the rackmount is not entirely the same beast.

- There is no "to guitar amp" output. Which output do I use best for this? The normal or record out? Or maybe even the effects send?

- will it "hurt" the V-twin if you use it mono? Only one of the outputs connected. (which one? left / right / makes no difference?) On other Boogie preamps, there is an output volume pot for each channel, so you can shut down one channel if you use it mono.

- Any tips?



Come on!
I can't be the only one who liked the tone of the V-twin pedal and upgraded to the rackmount version???
Hi, I don't know so much about the v-twin, but I believe you shouldn't have problems running just one output (it's a sort of preamp, there aren't voltage/currents as high as in the case of a poweramp), doesn't matter which if there isn't anything indicated. However I recommend you to take a look at the manual. I believe you have to use the "normal" out(s), but you can always try the recording out(s) if you want to connect the v-twin straight to a mixing console or an hi-fi poweramp.
Right now, I'm using the normal output.
And so far, there are no problems...
So far so good...


I don't think anything is mentioned in the manual about using it as a pedal.

PRS-Ian, true, there is no bypass...
But there is a second input on the back. I was thinking of using this as a "bypass":
- Connect the guitar to the input at the front
- use a line selector to switch between the normal output (V-twin connected)
- and the input (used as output) at the back (V-twin bypassed, as the signal going in is exactly the same as going out...)

I'm not sure if it 'll work, I'll let ya know ...