Unofficial Mesa Triaxis Settings Thread

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
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DC Metro Area
So I've looked at the setting database for the Triaxis here on Grailtone, and after all this time...there's only around 6-7 settings in there. I think it's time we change that... 8)

Just got a new Triaxis (Version 2 - No Phat Mod...hopefully Version 2 w/Phat Mod coming soon also), so I'm going to be creating some patches and tweaking some over the next week. I'll start submitting settings as I go, but in the about we all start contributing some tried and true settings that work for you here? Perhaps using this format if you will, which should be easy to copy and paste. I know it's in-depth, but it needs to be for people to understand exactly what goes into the tone you're creating:

Patch Name: (e.g., "Thrash Rhythm," Tight Crunch," "Smooth Lead")
Submitted by: (Your Name Here)

Mesa Triaxis Version: (if V2, please note Phat Mod or no Phat Mod)
Preamp Tubes:
Power Amp:
Power Amp Tubes:

Mode: (Rhythm Yellow, Lead 1 Red, Lead 2 Yellow, etc)
Lead 1:
Lead 2:
Dynamic Voice:
Power Amp Voicings: (Deep, Modern, 1/2, Resonance, etc.)
Power Amp Settings: (Volume, Presence, etc.)

Notes: (What patch sounds like as well as details like external EQ's, etc.)

With as many Boogie/Triaxis users we have here and that come here inquiring about them, we should be able to put together quite a collection of settings to give many people a good starting point. There seems to be quite a learning curve with the Triaxis for most people, so although no one will ever cop exactly the tones that you least they can learn something by viewing your settings and gear, and that will hopefully help them in their quest to finding "their sound" and get a better understanding of what can be a very complex piece of gear to dial in and master.
This sounds like a great idea, especially for someone like me.

I have as of yet to get a Triaxis but will do so in the future, so it'd be nice to try out all of the stuff posted in here once I finally do.

I really wouldn't want to sit around trying to program a nice tone into my triaxis, get sick of it and then return it :p
Yeah, that's pretty much the point. No one should view these settings as the "be all, end all" settings they can put into their Triaxis rig verbatim and have perfect tone right away. There's so many factors that go into the tone that it will never be exact. But, it will give new users (and existing users) a chance to have a great starting point to work from to find their own sound and some settings they can patch in and immediately have a workable tone they didn't have to spend 3 frustrating hours finding a starting point themselves.

I have the foundation of a few patches I'll be submiting shortly. They're not quite on par with my liking yet, but I've got a Lead 1 Red patch for a Recto sound that I'm digging, a pretty good IIC+ patch I'm tweaking, and a pretty shimmery "Nothing Else Matters" styles clean patch I'm working on specifically for finger-picking.
There are tons of great settings here:

and here:
HamerFan said:
There are tons of great settings here:

and here:

I might be stupid or something, but the only thing I could get from was dump program patches. Nothing I could just read.
Anyone with some advice?
Try here.
Bottom row is Triaxis you can view and submit your settings.
Thanks for that. I've seen that one before. Some good sounds there for sure.
Qiuene26...............are you feeling ok :lol:
keep taking the tablets, and by the way this is a 'MESA' FORUM........... :roll:
here is a pretty cool one that i use to get that "i cant stand losing you" or "roxanne" tone from Andy Summers of The Police.

Patch Name: I dont know let's call it "Summer's Time"
Submitted by: Mark

Mesa Triaxis Version: i'm not sure, I've owned it since around 1999.
Preamp Tubes: I cant remember right now but a tube pack that Doug set me up with from Doug's Tubes.

Power Amp: Mesa 20/20
Power Amp Tubes: El 84's that Doug set me up with.
Guitar: works great with any guitar but for this example a fender american tele deluxe
Pickups: samarian cobalt nosieless
Cab: mesa over sized rectifier
Speakers: v30's

Mode: Rhythm Green
Gain: 10
Treble: 8
Mids: 9
Bass: 2
Lead 1: n/a
Lead 2: n/a
Master: 3
Presence: 5.0
Dynamic Voice: 3.0
Power Amp Voicings: n/a
Power Amp Settings: vlume to taste, presence set at about 11 o'clock.

Notes: this patch should work real well for that slight over drive sound Andy uses in the songs mentioned above.....blend in some appropriate effects and you should dig this tone. I also will use an Ibanez TS-808 overdrive pedal set for very mild overdrive to kick it duing the choruses of the two songs mentioned above.
Patch Name: MkIV Crunch
Submitted by: jaquetapus

Mesa Triaxis Version: v2 non-phat
Preamp Tubes: Stock Mesa
Power Amp: 2:Ninety
Power Amp Tubes: Mesa 6L6s
Guitar: Ibanez S470DXQM
Pickups: Stock Bridge
Cab: Traditional 4x12 and Recto 2x12
Speakers: Vintage 30s

Mode: Lead 2 Green
Gain: 8.0
Treble: 6.5
Mids: 4.5
Bass: 1.0
Lead 1: 0.0
Lead 2: 6.5
Master: 4.5
Presence: 2.0
Dynamic Voice: 3.0
Power Amp Voicings: Deep and Modern
Power Amp Settings: bedroom volume between 9-11 o'clock, Presence 10 o'clock

Notes: Tight Mark IV crunch for solid rhythm work. I don't use any effects on this patch.

Patch Name: MkIIc+ Lead
Submitted by: jaquetapus

Mesa Triaxis Version: v2 non-phat
Preamp Tubes: Stock Mesa
Power Amp: 2:Ninety
Power Amp Tubes: Mesa 6L6s
Guitar: Carvin DC200
Pickups: D-Sonic, bridge
Cab: Traditional 4x12 and Recto 2x12 [stacked and in stereo]
Speakers: Vintage 30s

Mode: Lead 2 Yellow
Gain: 9.0
Treble: 5.5
Mids: 7.0
Bass: 1.0
Lead 1: 0.0
Lead 2: 10
Master: 5.0
Presence: 3.0
Dynamic Voice: 1.0
Power Amp Voicings: Deep and Modern
Power Amp Settings: bedroom volume between 9-11 o'clock, Presence 10 o'clock

Notes: Smooth sustaining mid-voiced lead tone, good for legato kinda stuff. Kinda messy for faster runs. In my G-Major I use a 675ms dynamic delay with 10% feedback, 5ms L/R offset mixed at 12% and a big fat hall reverb at 17%. My attempt at an older Petrucci c+ tone. [hey, stop throwing rocks!]

I'm curious to see what you guys think of these. They work well for me.

Patch Name: Thrash Rhythm C+unch
Submitted by: Audiokill

Mesa Triaxis Version: v2 nonfat
Preamp Tubes: V2=Mullard I91, V4=Mullard I93, Mesa Russian 2 in the rest.
Power Amp: 2:Ninety
Power Amp Tubes: Mesa 440 6L6GC
Guitar: 84 Gibson Flying V
Pickups: Bridge EMG 81
Cab: Marshall 1960 BV switched to stereo
Speakers: Marshall Vintages (V30s)

Mode: Lead 2 Yellow
Gain: 6
Treble: 7
Middle: 4.5
Bass: 3
Drive 1: 0
Drive 2: 3.5
Master: 2
Presence: 10
Dynamic Voice: 7
Power Amp Voicings: deep, 1/2, and modern all off
Power Amp Settings: presence knobs at 1:30, volumes at noon.