Hello Mesa Triaxis Senseis! I am a new TriAxis convertee and have recently put together a pretty good system, so far I am happy with the tones being generated! I am running the TA into a Mark V, for the power amp at the moment but a 2:90 is coming. I am running an Eventide Eclipse in the FX loop of the TA. One of the things I can't seem to grip is the FX loop or is it loops? It seems there are 4 loops available, but only one mono send with 2 stereo returns. I have read the outstanding and detailed review by scottkahn on the Triaxis/2:90 pairing and found it very informative. Have also read the manual and many of the posts on The Boogie Board. I still don't quite get it! For example; I am running an Eventide eclipse in the FX loop of the TA. I would eventually like to run an Eventide Timefactor in the loop somewhere as well to run with the Eclipse since the Stomp simulations gobble soooo much memory, combining too many FX blocks with the Eclipse also seems to be a problem. . With 4 loops available it seems like I should be able to choose loop 1 for the Eclipse and loop 2 for the TF and loop 3 for both etc. right? Some how I don't think that is how it works. I have a million other questions about running a rig WDW, and MIDI control of the TA, but I will save them for another post. Thanks in advance for all you assistance and reliable advice!