twin/plexi/dumble tones from a tremoverb

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Jun 14, 2007
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im wondering if anyone has had success in find simliar tones to a twin
a plexi and dumble out of a tremoverb... (2x12).

Realistically no, not out of a Rectifier.. Mark series can easily approach Fender and even Dumble-esque tones.

Plexi is like a totally different ballgame, the Stiletto is the only amp in Mesa's arsenal that can get there.
Lonestar can get plexesque IMO. Twin tones are pretty easy too I would imagine (you want a pretty clean, right?)

Have never played a dumble, never heard one knowing it was one.
i tried with my tverb for like months even tried e34l tubes ,no luck dont waste ur time tring.get a stiletto
coolhand78 said:

im wondering if anyone has had success in find simliar tones to a twin
a plexi and dumble out of a tremoverb... (2x12).


Yes, the T Verb can do all of that. However, the Twin clean sound requires a little gain on the clean channel, which breaks up really early, so it's only good for low stage volume. Same for Dumble tones.

Yes, it can do the Plexi, but you'll need to swap the 6L6 tubes for EL34s.

The tones you're looking are easier to dial in with a Road King.