Turkey day without the "Blue pig"

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2006
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Happy Thanksgiving Lonestar owners! :lol: I'm 170 miles from my LSC at my sister in law's for turkey day. So I brought my guitar and modelling pedal/headphones with me.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too and everyone else. I'm stuck on the ship today eating something that slightly resembled turkey in looks but certainly not in smell or taste. No worries though, tomorrow is looking to be the day I get my first Les Paul! Always been a Fender guy before.
thirstypirate said:
Happy Thanksgiving to you too and everyone else. I'm stuck on the ship today eating something that slightly resembled turkey in looks but certainly not in smell or taste. No worries though, tomorrow is looking to be the day I get my first Les Paul! Always been a Fender guy before.

Now that's something to be thankful for!
thirstypirate said:
Happy Thanksgiving to you too and everyone else. I'm stuck on the ship today eating something that slightly resembled turkey in looks but certainly not in smell or taste. No worries though, tomorrow is looking to be the day I get my first Les Paul! Always been a Fender guy before.
Yeah, baby! That's going to be sweeter than the the finest cranberry sauce you're ever gonna find.
If all goes well I'm going to be picking up the Warren Haynes sig Les Paul for 2,850. I'm gonna have to sell some stuff or my wife is gonna be pi$$ed.
Happy thanksgiving folks. I spent the last week driving from Washington DC, where I was working during election season, back to Portland. Today I finally found time to solder my pedal shelf on the rack I connect to my LSC... I'm a happy man.
Les paul huh, thats gonna be some serious beef to add to that orange pork!
edit: Just checked that LP online at gibson. Nice! Got that buffer switch, very unique.
2nd edit: Went back for a second look on that LP. Now thats an axe I'd like to play :lol:
thirstypirate said:
If all goes well I'm going to be picking up the Warren Haynes sig Les Paul for 2,850. I'm gonna have to sell some stuff or my wife is gonna be pi$$ed.

I got it!! The wife is not pi$$ed. This guitar is great and I feel bad putting it down, so I'm outta here.
plan-x said:
Les paul huh, thats gonna be some serious beef to add to that orange pork!
edit: Just checked that LP online at gibson. Nice! Got that buffer switch, very unique.
2nd edit: Went back for a second look on that LP. Now thats an axe I'd like to play :lol:

Pork and Beef together make two great things,

1)delicious Chinese food
2) FAT Lonestar tone

My Strat sounds so good through the Orange Pork that I always thought they were the perfect match. Apparently any great guitar is going to sound great through the LSC. I'm so excited with the new Paul that I can't even give an accurate report yet. EVERYTHING sounds so good right now.
thirstypirate said:
Pork and Beef together make two great things,

1)delicious Chinese food
2) FAT Lonestar tone

My Strat sounds so good through the Orange Pork that I always thought they were the perfect match. Apparently any great guitar is going to sound great through the LSC. I'm so excited with the new Paul that I can't even give an accurate report yet. EVERYTHING sounds so good right now.
Hilarious. But yes, I can attest: that big ol' buttery Paul sounds amazing through the LSC. That's what sold me on mine... and as good as my Strat sounds through it, I always go back to the Gibson. Thick'n'rich. Congrats.
Thanks guys. I'm gonna go show this thing off to my friend and play it through his '67 Super Reverb.

BTW: plan-x, did you order a Dirty Bomb yet?
Ha ha, You know I'm drooling for it. I'm pretty sure the wife will cut loose for X-mas. I don't use high gain that much live, but I sure love to noodle around with it. I basically gave up on affordable high gain pedals, Buzz, fizz and disappearing in the mix acts. Unless some one like David barber would come to the rescue.

Oh, Btw, the Reeder mod on ch 2 is extremely barber pedal friendly. I've always had no love for OD pedals on amps gain ch until the match of the Reeder/Barber combo. I believe the transparency of both is the key. I can't rave enough about this. Getting the pedals mids, bass, treble & presence to as closely match the original guitar tone is also key. Most pedals don't have all that. With my Pig's drive at 2:30 and gain at 1:30, I'm hittin the wall on maintaining sound integrity and compression overload. Drop in a Barber(or 2), and she stays stable and intelligible, with more sustain and edge. And that's with the pedals drive anywhere on the dial,(DD@3:30) Awesome!
pmtrub said:
Today I finally found time to solder my pedal shelf on the rack I connect to my LSC... I'm a happy man.
Curious to see what your talking about?
plan-x said:
pmtrub said:
Today I finally found time to solder my pedal shelf on the rack I connect to my LSC... I'm a happy man.
Curious to see what your talking about?

I'll post pics soon. I meant to say that I was soldering the cables that connect my pedal shelf to the rack switcher. Finally up and running...
plan-x said:
Btw, the Reeder mod on ch 2 is extremely barber pedal friendly. I've always had no love for OD pedals on amps gain ch until the match of the Reeder/Barber combo.

I couldn't agree more. I hit my channel 2 with a Tone Press/LTD SR combo and it's great because the pedals compliment and support the amps natural gain perfectly. It works with just about any good gain pedal as well depending on what type of tone I'm trying to get. I like to set my Trifecta to the Suppa position with the fuzz low and use that to drive Channel 2. It's huge and greasy without losing all the articulation of the notes. What an amp!!!
plan-x said:
Oh, Btw, the Reeder mod on ch 2 is extremely barber pedal friendly. I've always had no love for OD pedals on amps gain ch until the match of the Reeder/Barber combo. I believe the transparency of both is the key. I can't rave enough about this. Getting the pedals mids, bass, treble & presence to as closely match the original guitar tone is also key. Most pedals don't have all that. With my Pig's drive at 2:30 and gain at 1:30, I'm hittin the wall on maintaining sound integrity and compression overload. Drop in a Barber(or 2), and she stays stable and intelligible, with more sustain and edge. And that's with the pedals drive anywhere on the dial,(DD@3:30) Awesome!

I just picked up an LTD on eBay, which hopefully will be here by the end of the week. I'm psyched to try it out; I've been pretty happy with the Tone Press/OCD combo, but the OCD is far more thick and... it sounds great, but it's not the kind of transparency I'm after with the LSC, I don't think. There are contexts which I'll use it for the British-sounding drive, but mostly I think the Barber is where I want to go...

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