Tube trouble shooting help

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Dec 28, 2005
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howdy all,

i have checking out a mesa mark iv but thing has almost no gain and hardly any volume. it hums like i have read when theres a tube crappin out. heres the deal this amp is in a store and its been handled by every worthless kid who ever tried to play a guitar its been turned on too many times to count with out a cab plugged in and i read thats a major no no but i just found out that its going on clearence for 500 bucks is this amp worth it any thoughts suggestions?
Have the store check it....having a tube amp playing with no where for the signal to go can fry some parts on the inside....if it is only a problem in the tubes or fuse, then it's a steal, as for another $100 you'll have an amazing amp...if it's something bigger, have a mesa dealer check it to see how much it would be to repair.