Tube swap library - post your results here

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2005
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Hey guys,

I have done minor tube-tinkering with my 5:50 head, (Doug's recommended recipe and lower gain tubes in V2, etc), but after a little frustration, I'm back to JJ 12AX7s and Winged C power tubes.

Well, now after a little research, I'm going to try a little more tube-swapping. I'm actually getting too much OD in the Crunch channel, and would like to experiment to see what I can get from from a tamed Burn channel.

I am looking to try a couple of TAD 6L6 WGC-STR short bottles in the power section, a couple of GE 12AU7s in V2 and V3, and maybe Mesa SPAX7s in the rest of the slots.

And since you have to search around for various threads on tube changes, I thought it would be cool to have one thread with the various tube cocktails out there.

As soon as I get my tube order together and am able to test some combinations, I'll report back. In the meantime, if you've found a cool combination, list what you were after, the tubes you settled on and what slots they are in, and what you achieved.
for now I've swapped only my power tubes for JJ el84s in my 5:25...ordered those from eurotubes, measured and picked for moderate gain and headroom... I like the sound better than with mesa tubes (red code), got a tiny bit more headroom and the burn channel sounds tighter...can't wait to swap those preamp tubes and hear the result...

I read somewhere that chinese made shuguang 12ax7 tubes work very well with the modern hi gain amps, so maybe I'll get one or two just to try them out and eventually leave them in the preamp...they cost only 10$/piece on ebay including shipping...also, TAD 12ax7s are rebranded shuguang tubes I think...
I was the first to try Dougs from suggested tubes for the 5:50.
Here's what I got and still luv them after 2 yrs - going strong - would never go back to stock Mesa tubes :mrgreen:

V1 - Tung-Sol reissue 12AX7
V2 - High gain JJ ECC83S
V3 - Penta Labs 12AX7C
V4 - Shuguang 12AX7C9
V5 - Sovtek 12AX7LPS

Power tubes
SED 2x6L6
Hey brucesinger....what a great idea!

I retubed with stock Mesa tubes for warranty reasons and I love the sound of the amp but many folks here and elsewhere have commented on the improvement in tone you get from various tube combinations and I have been very curious. Next tube swap I will likely try something different. I think JJ tubes has some specific Express recommendations, Eurotubes might as well.

Newysurfer how has this selection of tubes improved the tone of your amp???
Thanks for the input folks!

I tried the Doug's Tubes recipe as well, (and while I noticed an improvement), I wasn't really knocked out. I guess I am looking to refine the tone a little more to my current taste.
Groove Tube EL-84S rated 7 in the power section
V1 - Mesa 12AX7 (Czech)
V2 - JAN Phillips 12AT7
V3 - Mesa 12AX7 (Czech)
V4 - Mesa 12AX7 (Czech)
V5 - JAN Phillips 12AT7 (matched triodes)

I like the way it sounds. Stock sounded muddy. This does not. Unlike a lot people, I like Mesa pre-amp tubes. Except for the Chinese ones they had for a bit. Those were crap. My 5:25 came stock with all of those Chinese Mesa 12AX7s.
brucesinger said:
Bendo, are the current Mesas chinese? What about the Mesa SPAX7s?

No, I talked to Mesa Customer Service and they indicated to me the current 12AX7s are Czech made.

Wolfboy1 said:
Hey brucesinger....what a great idea!

I retubed with stock Mesa tubes for warranty reasons and I love the sound of the amp but many folks here and elsewhere have commented on the improvement in tone you get from various tube combinations and I have been very curious. Next tube swap I will likely try something different. I think JJ tubes has some specific Express recommendations, Eurotubes might as well.

Newysurfer how has this selection of tubes improved the tone of your amp???

Ok - I've stated this on several threads already but again Dougs tube mix delivers

1) Smoother, clearer & more sparkle on all amps voices
2) Removes about 60-70% of amp humm on the burn channel.
3) Adds significant gain at the top end while keeping the same chimey cleans & headroom.

The stock Mesa tubes on my 5:50 were all Chinese made :mrgreen:
bendo said:
Groove Tube EL-84S rated 7 in the power section
V1 - Mesa 12AX7 (Czech)
V2 - JAN Phillips 12AT7
V3 - Mesa 12AX7 (Czech)
V4 - Mesa 12AX7 (Czech)
V5 - JAN Phillips 12AT7 (matched triodes)

I like the way it sounds. Stock sounded muddy. This does not. Unlike a lot people, I like Mesa pre-amp tubes. Except for the Chinese ones they had for a bit. Those were crap. My 5:25 came stock with all of those Chinese Mesa 12AX7s.

What is the function of V5? Do you need matched triodes? Thanks!
I just retubed last week using Doug's tubes. Here's what I installed:

V1 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG+
V2 JAN GE 5751
V3 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG
V4 Tung Sol 12AX7
V5 Penta 12AX7

Svetlana - SV6L6GC - Matching

Impressions: Coming from the Mesa stock tubes, I'm surprisingly a little underwhelmed with the results. The amp sounds clear and quiet, but I think I lost a little sparkle, or a little aggressiveness. My playing style is clean jazz/funk/blues with fingerstyle thrown in. No metal or hard rock. It just feels like i lost some of the 'snap' on the clean channel.

One interesting thing is that with the old set of tubes, I had to have the bass turned down almost to zero to sound decent. Now my tone knobs are in a more normal position.

I bought an extra Penta for a backup. Anyone want to suggest adjustments or replacements or switching the existing tubes into different positions for me? I'd like the amp to be a little more punchy.

Finally, just an FYI, but Doug was very helpful and patient and gave great advice.

Well you just cut your sound by using the 5751, there designed for guys going for more headroom. Just put one of your 12ax7's you have in v2 and mess around with it, you will get your sound back i promise. Don't settle on anyone telling you yeah use this tube, try them all for yourself to see what you like, remember v2 is really v1 and the first gain stage. I wrote a whole bunch of **** on this stuff in the dougs tubes post on here. Good luck

Edit: I just noticed what your using, yeah definately get rid of the 5751 in v2, all your other tubes are considered pretty high gain pre amp tubes, with this amp you cannot go wrong with the tungsol in v2 and if you want to cut your reverb down a little try the 5751 in v5. Not every position is a really tone changing position so you have really great set of tubes to work with
pusher said:
I just retubed last week using Doug's tubes. Here's what I installed:

V1 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG+
V2 JAN GE 5751
V3 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG
V4 Tung Sol 12AX7
V5 Penta 12AX7

Svetlana - SV6L6GC - Matching

Impressions: Coming from the Mesa stock tubes, I'm surprisingly a little underwhelmed with the results. The amp sounds clear and quiet, but I think I lost a little sparkle, or a little aggressiveness. My playing style is clean jazz/funk/blues with fingerstyle thrown in. No metal or hard rock. It just feels like i lost some of the 'snap' on the clean channel.

One interesting thing is that with the old set of tubes, I had to have the bass turned down almost to zero to sound decent. Now my tone knobs are in a more normal position.

I bought an extra Penta for a backup. Anyone want to suggest adjustments or replacements or switching the existing tubes into different positions for me? I'd like the amp to be a little more punchy.

Finally, just an FYI, but Doug was very helpful and patient and gave great advice.


Try swapping v2 & v4 and see what you think.
Thanks, guys. I will try that tomorrow. I knew something wasn't quite right. It's a decent tone, no doubt, but the snap is gone.
It's good to know that I at least bought a decent set, and have good tubes to swap around.

The Tungsol will go into V2 and I'll report back.

Maybe I should put the Penta in the Reverb slot instead of the GE? I love the reverb in this amp; one of the best I've ever heard.

Stay tuned. . .

StevenL said:
pusher said:
I just retubed last week using Doug's tubes. Here's what I installed:

V1 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG+
V2 JAN GE 5751
V3 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG
V4 Tung Sol 12AX7
V5 Penta 12AX7

Svetlana - SV6L6GC - Matching

Impressions: Coming from the Mesa stock tubes, I'm surprisingly a little underwhelmed with the results. The amp sounds clear and quiet, but I think I lost a little sparkle, or a little aggressiveness. My playing style is clean jazz/funk/blues with fingerstyle thrown in. No metal or hard rock. It just feels like i lost some of the 'snap' on the clean channel.

One interesting thing is that with the old set of tubes, I had to have the bass turned down almost to zero to sound decent. Now my tone knobs are in a more normal position.

I bought an extra Penta for a backup. Anyone want to suggest adjustments or replacements or switching the existing tubes into different positions for me? I'd like the amp to be a little more punchy.

Finally, just an FYI, but Doug was very helpful and patient and gave great advice.


Try swapping v2 & v4 and see what you think.

This is a great idea! Swap your current V2 and V4. I also want to try a 5751 in the PI slot (V4). Many have reported nice results.
Hi all,

Finally able to spend a little time moving some tubes around as recommended. Here's the new line up:

V1 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG+
V2 Tung Sol 12AX7
V3 Ruby 12AX7ACZ HG
V4 JAN GE 5751
V5 Penta 12AX7

Svetlana - SV6L6GC - Matching

I switched the V2 with the V4 as recommended in the previous posts, and holy f%&k what a difference. The snap and punchiness is back with a vengeance. The reverb seems very smooth and the tail is long and creamy. I finally have my amp back and can dial in everything from clean blues, to (very) chimey strums, to a toned down jazz/fusion. The blues channel is fuckin' killer, too; just enough breakup and balls to add a little edge when needed. I have a gig this Sunday and can't wait to try it out in the context of a full band, at a little louder volume. I'm sure I can cut through as much as I need. I'll probably have to dial it back a little.
Last thing: Dead quiet still. Thank heaven. I hate any type of buzzing or hum.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to suggest some alternatives. That was the juice I needed to set this straight. gadgetfreak, dr_iggi, stevenL, thanks for the input. I'm sure there are other configurations, but this is a great starting place for anyone wanting to try a new set of tubes, but are a little unsure of the path to take.

So far, I've split up my Express combo (too heavy for me), found a MKIIA long head cabinet that fit the amp almost perfectly ($60.00), replaced the tubes, and am waiting on a custom ordered 1x12 cab from Lamar Cabinets, that will match the length and height of the combo (23" x 18"). I ordered extra matching tolex and grill cloth from Lamar, and will recover the head to match. Hopefully, I should have a killer rig all complete in a week or two. Pictures to follow.

Thanks again, my Boogie community. You guys rock.

I am so glad you are stoked over your amp, that's what I like to hear. Right on man, let us know how the build goes and definitely tell us how she cuts through in the band mix. Peace man