Tube Ratings and what they all mean.....

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
I have searched high and low for an answer to my question but have found nothing to specific.

I ordered some EL34's for my Dual Recto a while back and asked them to be rated accordingly. They came with stickers on each of the boxes that have "35" handwritten on a sticker. I assumed that this was for the voltage that is set for my amp.

Then I go to order a set of 6L6's, and instead of saying "52" or whatever, they all say 14 (LA)...Is this right? The tubes sound very cold and channel 2 and 3 have half volume and about half gain.

So what is (LA), (GA) and (GM) in terms of tube ratings????? Are they related? Any help is apperciated guys.
Who did you get the tubes from ? What else does it say on the tube ?
Most of the time the numbers on a tube is only stock numbers so they can trace runs. Does it say any place on the tube or the box that is what it is rated ?
They all say 14.1(la) and around 2400(gm)......

I'm just having the guy send me a new set, cause there is something wrong with these but I dont know what.
An eBay store. I have gotten lots of sets before and never had a problem. He sent out another set today and has been very good to deal with.
the 14.1 la sounds like plate current to me and the gm sounds like a transconductance rating.

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