Troubles with DR solo head.

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Dec 7, 2010
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since i bought my DR (used), i've 2 problems..

- Expecially in distortion mode (but also in clean) if i shake the cable, some noises appers from the system. It sounds like a microphone shake in hand, a little "stik" every time the cable hits the floor.
I just tried to change cable, check if ground connected.

- When the weather is more humid, the sound become less consistent (as if i turn clockwise the knob of presence, not even equal, but the feeling while playing is that) this problems appears also in the amplifier system of our bassman.

can anyone help me?


fluff191 said:
Sounds like you have a crap cable to me. Nothing wrong with the amp.

Did you check the cable??? One time I paniced and started pulling my amp apart because I could get my effects loop to work. Turns out the quarter in running out of the send was bad. Most of the times it's the simple things.
Check the cable and clean all of the jacks. You can do that by spraying contact cleaner on the tip of a cable plug and inserting it and wiggling it around a bit.
I agree that it sound like you have a garbage cable. Try other cables to see if the problem persists.

Humidity CAN actually change the tonality of some electrolytics! See if you can note similar changes in tone on humid days, or actually record the amp to hear if it's just your ears.
here a little video to explain better the problem:

I've just try to change some different cables, but the problem remains.
The cable of video is a neutrik cable and all the tins in either jacks are perfect.
In the video you can see that the noise appears only with the guitar volume knob open.
Yeah dude. You have a bad cable. Happens to everyone. Your amp is just amplifying the microphonic cable is all.
It's not a matter of the 'right' cable. Your cable simply went microphonic. Thats all. Like a car tire wearing out: it happens eventually.

I recommend Planet Waves cables if you are on a budget or Mogami if money is not an issue.

Hope that helps.
lolzgreg said:
I agree that it sound like you have a garbage cable. Try other cables to see if the problem persists.

Humidity CAN actually change the tonality of some electrolytics! See if you can note similar changes in tone on humid days, or actually record the amp to hear if it's just your ears.

Or, just move to Arizona :lol:
ok.. but, sorry for my ignorance :) why a cable went microphonic? what is the physic differences between?
BrAiN said:
ok.. but, sorry for my ignorance :) why a cable went microphonic? what is the physic differences between?

A damaged or poorly manufacured cable can present resistive load, resistive drain, capacitance (also load) or any combination of the three. These effects are frequently microphonic to some degree. The fact that you were experiencing microphonics with the cable means that for sure you had at least one of the above issues in play.
I tried to change cable and i bought a di marzio with tissue sheat, and now either problems not appears! Hoping for future:)

Thank you all!