Triple Rec Multi Watt vs Dual Rec prior versions

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May 15, 2020
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I have a Dual Rec Rev G and I've been working on trying to find the settings I like. One thing has been that I like the Orange change when in the high gain setting but this doesn't leave me with a semi clean channel, which would be the Orange channel in the Normal mode.

Can the Multi Watt Triple Rectifier compete with the Dual Rec's gain channels? I've read the clean channel on the multi watt is really good so that could be the answer to what I'm looking for as I want a semi clean channel that works with with fuzz.
Try the green channel in the pushed mode. I actually find it to be the overdrive tone I like best out of the amp. I'm not a big fan of bright fizzy sounding distortion.

The red channel and the orange channel are nearly identical. Only the presence pot value is different, and any decent amp tech can make them the same just by changing out a single pot.